Inspire Innovation

Please visit our corporation STEAM site to find our mission and vision for this initiative. Here are some ways we are currently supporting STEAM with our youngest innovators.

Project Based Learning

Students will be engaged in Project Based Learning as their teachers take on this approach to teaching. Project Based Learning will provide authenticity and application for students’ learning while making connections with our community to find solutions to real problems.


Students will have the opportunity to visit the Makerspace with their class where they will be presented with different challenges each month. A Makerspace gives students the autonomy to freely and creatively pursue interests and passions while using the Engineer Design Process and 21st Century Skills.

Digital Literacy and Citizenship

Students will spend time this year learning about digital literacy and citizenship with our school librarians. Students will learn the basic functions of a computer and its parts while also practicing skills such as going places safely and searching effectively on the internet.

STEAM Lab Resources

It is our hope to compile materials that can be lent to teachers for use in their classrooms and become a lending library of teaching tools. Here are items we currently have available for classroom use: