Ramsey Remote Instruction Plan - Phase 2

This website hosts the district's new plan for remote learning, which we are referring to as Phase 2. It contains remote learning plans for each school as well as information about student services and general information.

Principles of Remote Learning Plan - Phase 2

1. A balance of academic growth and social-emotional needs

The new plan is better suited to continue students academic growth while being mindful of their overall well-being during this unique time in our history. Furthermore, we are proud that or plan models empathy in that we are trying to take into account each families’ unique needs by being understanding of the stressful times we are living in.

2. A mixture of synchronous (live) and asynchronous learning

Our short-term plan was a fully asynchronous model. Based on our research and review of survey data, we believed we would be best served by including both synchronous (live) teaching and asynchronous teaching. This will look different at each school level. While synchronous teaching comes with its own challenges, we heard teachers and students who thought it was important to keep the human connection between students and teachers (kids really miss their teachers!) as well as providing some much needed structure for students. We believe we took a measured and balanced approach. Phase 2 will also include more video-based instruction. This could come in the form of teachers posting or sending videos of themselves teaching a mini-lesson or using the rich video resources available to us in this day and age.

3. A more structured approach while still developing self-direction and adaptability

At all levels, we are moving towards a more structured school day, although it will still remain fairly flexible. Students at the middle and high schools will have a more structured school day they they have had the last two weeks but still less structured than all of their schooling before that. The increased structure will help develop routines, foster responsibility, and hopefully provide some sense of normalcy to an abnormal situation. The flexibility that is still built into the plan will provide students ample opportunities to practice and grow in the key areas of self-direction and adaptability.

4. A sustainable model for a long-term closure

Part of the rationale towards a more structured day is to provide some boundaries and routines for all stakeholders. The pace of the first week has been overwhelming for many teachers with emails coming all day and night and it has been overwhelming for parents who have been asked to take multi-tasking to a whole new level. We hope a more structured day will lend itself to "work hours" and "off hours." As we get into a groove, the barrage of communication from all parties will calm down and this work will feel more manageable. While teachers will have daily virtual office hours, we have designated every Wednesday from 1:30-3:00 for professional learning and meetings. There will be no virtual office hours held during this time. This time will be used for planning, collaboration with colleagues, and other professional meetings.