Learning at Home

Dear Rains ISD Parents & Guardians,

Whether parents have chosen at-home learning for the 20-21 school year, or there is a short-term school closure, we are committed to providing relevant, grade level instruction as required by the state of Texas. This site contains a page for each campus. On each campus's page, you will find a link to resources like Google Classroom, Skyward Family Access, and Clever, the campus' single-sign on app with easy access to all online resources.

All students who are learning at home must participate in at least one of the following by 11:59 p.m. each night in order to get attendance credit for that school day:

  1. Engage with Google Classroom by submitting an answer to a posted assignment (like a Question of the Day).

  2. Engage with the teacher about the content in a way learning progress can be monitored.

  3. Complete and submit an assignment in Google Classroom.

Our entire team is making a concerted effort to connect with you and your child to help navigate the remote learning setting. Please email your child's teacher or campus administrator if you have questions. We are all available to help you!

Students may be required to login with their RISD Google account to access resources.

The format for RISD student Google accounts is:

USERNAME last name first initial graduation year@rainsisd.org

PASSWORD ****food service number (food service numbers are 4 digits)

For example, a student named "John Smith" with a graduation year of 2020 would have the username "smithj2020@rainsisd.org" and his password would be "****9999".

Family Guide to Using Google Classroom, FlipGrid, and SeeSaw

Video tutorials sponsored by Region 7

Parent's Guide to Google Classroom

Tips for Managing Your Child's Online Learning

Google Classroom Code: Get yours today by emailing the teacher.

Having trouble with Google Classroom? Fill out this form for the tech department.