Week 9

28 March - 1 April


Story Starter

Toby poked his long, pointed nose out of his front door and sniffed. He loved the smell of the forest, especially first thing in the morning. He could almost taste the fresh, leafy goodness on his slobbering tongue as he dangled it out of his yawning mouth.

Suddenly, he heard a strange, unfamiliar rustling noise coming from nearby...

Continue the story.

Questions to Get you Started

  • Why does Toby live in a tree?

  • Who else lives there with him?

  • What do you think it’s like living in a forest?

  • What do you think Toby gets up to every day?

  • Describe a perfect day for Toby.

  • Where are Toby's owners?

  • Who built the house?

Journey to School

Story Starter

They had taken this route to school many times before. There was never any need to worry until this morning...

Continue the story.

Questions to Get you Started

  • How is their journey to school different to yours?

  • Where do you think they are?

  • How long do you think it takes them to get to school?

  • What time is it in the picture?

  • What do they have inside their bags?

TALK: Talk with your whanau about the questions, and what you notice and wonder about the image. Decide if you want to use the story starter, or come up with your own ideas about the image.

PLAN: before you write. Choose a planning type:

  • Draw a picture plan. Add labels and keywords to your plan.

  • Brainstorm all of your ideas. Circle your best 3 and add extra details to each of these.

WRITE: Use your plan to write about the image.

CHECK: After writing, re-read it and...

      • Check for capital letters and full stops.

      • Underline any words you are unsure of and ask a whanau member to help you fix them.

      • Improve your writing by upgrading words or sentences to make your writing even better than it already is!

SHARE: Take a photo of your work and send it to your teacher, we might add the picture below!

Student Work