Week 7

14-18 March

Cat's Eyes

Story Starter

In the inky blackness of the shadows, she blended in perfectly. Her saucer-like eyes and sleek whiskers were all that could be seen.

She was deliberately hiding; her colour and keen sight were her greatest allies. What she had glimpsed at the other side of the candlelit room was troubling, and arching her back, she prepared to move in an instant…

Continue the story.

Questions to Get you Started

  • What does ‘her colour and keen sight were her greatest allies’ mean?

  • What allows this cat to hunt so well at night?

  • What has she seen in the room?

  • What will she do next?

  • Do you think dogs are more intelligent than cats?

  • What do cats use their whiskers for?


Story Starter

"You shall go to the ball!” proclaimed the fairy godmother. With a click of her fingers and a swish of her wand, the magic happened and Cinderella disappeared off into the night on the adventure of a lifetime…

Continue the story.

Questions to Get you Started

  • What different animals can you see in the picture?

  • Is everything in the picture as you remember from the real Cinderella story?

  • Where is Cinderella going?

  • How do you think she is feeling?

TALK: Talk with your whanau about the questions, and what you notice and wonder about the image. Decide if you want to use the story starter, or come up with your own ideas about the image.

PLAN: before you write. Choose a planning type:

  • Draw a picture plan. Add labels and keywords to your plan.

  • Brainstorm all of your ideas. Circle your best 3 and add extra details to each of these.

WRITE: Use your plan to write about the image.

CHECK: After writing, re-read it and...

      • Check for capital letters and full stops.

      • Underline any words you are unsure of and ask a whanau member to help you fix them.

      • Improve your writing by upgrading words or sentences to make your writing even better than it already is!

SHARE: Take a photo of your work and send it to your teacher, we might add the picture below!

Student Work