Week 6

7-11 March

Please Look After the Bear

Story Starter

‘Please look after this bear.’ That was all the tag around his soft, furry neck said.

The station guard had so far been extremely kind to the unexpected visitor on his platform, left behind after more ‘normal’ travellers had bustled their way past. “Always in such a rush!” the man had tut-tutted to himself, before he noticed a bear standing there looking rather forlorn on the deserted walkway.

The bear could not, however, stay at the station. Despite already travelling such a colossal distance from deepest, darkest Peru, this particular bear’s journey was really just beginning.

He knew what might help, and so lifted a paw to reach for what lay underneath his bright, red hat…

Continue the story.

Questions to Get you Started

  • Who is the bear on the platform?

  • Why is he all alone at a train station?

  • Who wrote the tag around his neck?

  • What lies beneath his bright, red hat?

  • Why can’t the bear stay at the station?

  • In what way is this bear similar/different to a ‘normal’ bear?

  • What will happen to the bear next? What does it mean by ‘this particular bear’s journey was really just beginning’?

Taking Shelter

Story Starter

It was another stiflingly humid day in the rainforest. The rain was a welcome and refreshing break from it. Kermit could hear a rumble of distant thunder: a sure sign that this was just the beginning of the storm. Sheltering under a lush leaf, he sat comfortably on the tree stump. Raindrops drummed on the flat surface of the leaf-like impatient fingertips but Kermit didn’t mind.

He stared into the forest, wondering when his companions would return…

Continue the story.

Questions to Get you Started

  • What kind of animal can you see in the photograph?

  • How is the animal similar/different to a human?

  • Who are Kermit’s companions and where do you think they have gone?

  • Why might Kermit like it when it rains?

  • What do you think it’s like to live in the rainforest?

  • How does the weather in a rainforest compare to where you live?

  • How old do you think Kermit is?

TALK: Talk with your whanau about the questions, and what you notice and wonder about the image. Decide if you want to use the story starter, or come up with your own ideas about the image.

PLAN: before you write. Choose a planning type:

  • Draw a picture plan. Add labels and keywords to your plan.

  • Brainstorm all of your ideas. Circle your best 3 and add extra details to each of these.

WRITE: Use your plan to write about the image.

CHECK: After writing, re-read it and...

      • Check for capital letters and full stops.

      • Underline any words you are unsure of and ask a whanau member to help you fix them.

      • Improve your writing by upgrading words or sentences to make your writing even better than it already is!

SHARE: Take a photo of your work and send it to your teacher, we might add the picture below!

Student Work

Georgia Falconer

Skyla Vink