Week 6, Term 2

7-10 June

Gummy Bear

Story Starter

He had always been bigger than the rest... it began with small, slight changes, barely noticeable to the human eye... a chunkier gummy arm than his friends, an expanding chubby nose, but now the changes were much more noticeable! His arms were even bigger than his friends' bodies! When would it stop? How big would he get?

Continue the story about the giant gummy bear.

Questions to Get you Started

  • What has happened to make him grow this much?

  • What would you do if you saw these sweets?

  • How do you think he feels to look so different from his friends?

  • How do you think his friends feel?

  • Is it OK to be different?

Without Gravity

Story Starter

The scientists huddled around the machine looking perplexed. Their laboratory was buried deep underground, away from prying eyes. Usually, their experiments went completely unnoticed, apart from the occasional smell of sulphur or waft of grey smoke that made its way to the surface, but this particular experiment would certainly not avoid the headlines… They were in BIG trouble!

In the houses above, something had begun to happen...

Continue the story.

Questions to Get you Started

  • What does the word ‘perplexed’ mean?

  • Why are the scientists huddling around a machine?

  • Why is their laboratory underground?

  • What do they do in their laboratory?

  • Do you think anyone knows about it?

  • Why might they be in ‘BIG’ trouble this time?

  • What is happening in the picture?

  • Do you think this is happening in other houses?

TALK: Talk with your whanau about the questions, and what you notice and wonder about the image. Decide if you want to use the story starter, or come up with your own ideas about the image.

PLAN: before you write. Choose a planning type:

  • Draw a picture plan. Add labels and keywords to your plan.

  • Brainstorm all of your ideas. Circle your best 3 and add extra details to each of these.

WRITE: Use your plan to write about the image.

CHECK: After writing, re-read it and...

      • Check for capital letters and full stops.

      • Underline any words you are unsure of and ask a whanau member to help you fix them.

      • Improve your writing by upgrading words or sentences to make your writing even better than it already is!

SHARE: Take a photo of your work and send it to your teacher, we might add the picture below!

Student Work