The Main Tasks of College

The main tasks of the Faculty of Physical Education: -

Deepening the link between the college and youth sports institutions by holding training and development courses for updating and developing information and knowledge for the general parties of these institutions.

The establishment of various courses for college graduates in order to create communication between the outputs and the college.

Finding a mechanism for joint cooperation between the college and the General Directorate of Education in the govern orate, as well as sports institutions, in a manner that guarantees a high level of study in the college.

Encouraging scientific research and participating in scientific conferences inside and outside Iraq.

Updating the academic curricula to keep pace with the scientific development in international and Arab sports universities.

Coordination between the corresponding colleges of physical education in Iraqi, Arab and international universities in order to lay down similar common foundations that guarantee the preservation of competence for graduates of colleges of physical education.

Avoid investing lecture time in memorization and dictating information to students.