K-8 Summer 


Summer Reading Considerations

Mission: Quakertown Community School District believes that when students continue reading over the summer, self-selected texts and/or required texts, it will create a positive impact on their academic success and a habit of lifelong reading. Voracious reading also prepares students for the demands of college and career readiness by increasing student vocabulary and building background knowledge.

Goal #1: To instill and inspire a lifelong love of reading.

Whether it is poetry, science fiction, informational text, mystery, biography or classic literature, or any other of the many genres, books will expose students to new worlds. Summer reading is an opportunity explore personal interests on topics he/she wants to learn about and discover new information or answer questions and wonderings.

Goal#2: To improve reading and language skills with practice.

Summer is an important time for students to continue the reading they have been doing in their classrooms throughout the year. Reading in the summer can help prevent a decline in student's reading development. 

Summer Reading is time to...


When you read to someone, here are some phrases you can use to talk about the book:

Summer Reading:

One of the most important things your learner(s) can do is make time to read each day.   Many experts advise anywhere between 15-30 minutes a day.  Aside from accessing books in your own home, consider utilizing online resources such as: