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Title 1

South Elementary is a Title I school. What does that mean? Click the picture to learn more.

Meet our Staff

At South, we are fortunate to have four tutors working with many first graders throughout the year in our Project Silver intervention group. We also have Title 1 staff that works with small groups for both reading and math. Everyone provides extra support to students. Click here to meet our staff!

One School, One Book
is coming to
South Elementary!

Last winter, South Elementary received funding from the PV Foundation for the One School, One Book (OSOB) Project.

What is OSOB? It is a movement designed to get an entire school community, including families, involved in the joy of reading and create a culture of literacy in every home. Each student and staff member gets a copy of the selected book. Following a shared schedule, the families read at home together. In school, we can create many events and projects that reinforce the reading and get everyone at school excited about the book. From trivia quizzes, to art, music and drama events, everyone shares the reading experience and there are no limitations! The entire school community is involved! To learn more, click on the picture.

Resources for Families

Daily Remote Learning Tip

Every weekday on the Fountas & Pinnell blog, you can check out the latest activities, tactics, or advice to support literacy in a remote learning setting.

A parent guide to helping your child learn how to read (PreK-3rd)

Reading Tip Sheets for Parents

Learn how families can support literacy at home, whether their children are babies, toddlers, preschoolers, or in elementary school (K-3). These tips are available in 13 languages.

Click here for a suggested list of series based on your child's F&P level. If you are unsure of your child's current instructional or independent levels, please reach out and we can get that information to you!

Filter by "Guided Reading Level."

A Parent's Guide to Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Pennsylvania’s Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a standards-aligned, comprehensive school improvement FRAMEWORK for enhancing academic, behavioral and social-emotional outcomes for ALL students. Learn more about what MTSS looks like at South!

For families who want to instill the fun of learning to read in their kids, the Internet is home to countless interactive, innovative sites that teach literacy. Though additional great websites are available, here are some of the best, listed in order from beginning to advanced readers.

Just log in with your public library card to access several great resources!