Chorale Ensemble

*Class Syllabus*


Teacher: Mrs. Desiree Kleppe Phone: 602.992.8140 Email:


➢ This course will provide and instruct students on how to develop proper and healthy vocal techniques. It will also provide the opportunity for students to grow in their knowledge of music theory, harmonizing, and musical techniques such as learning music by rote and blending voices in an ensemble for tonal consistency.

➢ The majority of the class will be devoted to vocal warm ups, song activities, vocal training, and building the students musical repertoire. In addition to this, the class will also cover proper vocal technique, maintaining vocal health, and the correction of vocal faults/enhancement of vocal strengths.

➢ Lastly, an important overall goal of this course is to lead students to be good stewards of their musical gift through vocal development and training so that they may use it to glorify the Lord.


➢ Students will commit to learning vocal techniques that will ensure vocal health and enhance their performance as a vocalist.

➢ Students will enhance their skills in singing through learning musical repertoire, practicing harmonization and memorization, exercising proper vocal technique, learning time management in regards to practicing musical repertoire, and performing the music they have learned.

➢ Students will be responsible for memorizing musical repertoire as vocal performers in training and will complete memorization by the date indicated by the teacher.

➢ Students will be educated in the intricacies of the voice and healthy vocal techniques for performing. This education will aid the students in correcting vocal faults/weaknesses so they may develop a strong, healthy, and accomplished voice!

➢ Students will participate in required music activities such as vocal warm ups, masterclasses, and performances. Through these experiences, the students will enhance their knowledge of proper vocal technique and develop performance skills.

➢ Students will grow in their knowledge of music theory and discover how it applies to their development as a vocalist.

➢ Students will learn to appreciate the beauty of music as an art and be encouraged to use their musical gifts as instruments that bring glory to the Lord.


➢ Attendance, Absences, and Make-Up-Work: Students must make up any quizzes, masterclasses, or assignments missed during an excused absence. For every day a student is absent, the student will get a day to make up the work. If the work, masterclass, or quiz was assigned prior to their absence, the student must turn it in/make it up immediately upon their return. If the student can anticipate being absent, they should always talk to the teacher before the absence occurs.

➢ Classroom Rules/Expectations: Students are expected to exercise punctuality by arriving on time for class and responsibility by bringing all the required materials to class. Silent entry and exit is required and expected of all students. Students are expected to complete assignments by the due date. All students are required to participate during class through involvement in music activities, relevant and edifying inquiry, note taking, proper class time management, and positive interaction with fellow students and the teacher. Students are expected to turn off and put away all technological devices. Under no circumstance are these devices to be used in class unless otherwise indicated by the teacher for class purposes. Violating this policy will result in the confiscation of your device. The device will be given to the Academic Dean and may be collected after the school day ends. For multiple violations, your parents will be required to gather your confiscated device.

➢ Homework: Homework is expected to be completed the day that it is due. Up to 10% will be deducted from an assignment for every day it is not turned in.

➢ Integrity: Cheating that occurs on any assignment will result in a zero for the final grade for any students involved. In addition to this, the student’s parents and the Headmaster will be notified of the cheating that occurred.

➢ Recitals and Performances: The PVCP choral ensemble will perform publicly twice in one school year. Once in the fall semester and again in the spring semester. Details concerning these recitals/performances along with their scheduled dates will be given by Mrs. Kleppe in class. For both performances, the students may invite friends and family for support! Recital/performance attendance is mandatory unless otherwise excused by Mrs. Kleppe.

➢ Extra Credit: Any extra credit opportunities will be clearly indicated or announced by Mrs. Kleppe and will be available for the entire class. An individual student may not ask Mrs. Kleppe for an exclusive extra credit assignment to help raise their grade.


➢ The final grade in the class will be calculated by the students completion of the following items:

○ Annotations, Coursework/Other Assignments:

■ Students may be required to make notes in pencil on the music Mrs. Kleppe distributes. Annotations on music must contain the following: breath marks, arrows indicating the movement of music, personal notes for memorization, and notes Mrs. Kleppe asks the ensemble to write on their music. Up to 10 points will be given for grades on musical annotations.

■ Coursework/Other Assignments: Any coursework or other assignments that differ from those listed below will be announced in class with a detailed explanation of the requirements and point value.

○ Participation

■ Participation in class includes the following: Coming to class prepared and on time, memorizing all musical repertoire, active engagement in musical activities, and relevant/clarifying questions. Each student will be given 5 participation points per class period and a total of 25 points for the week. If the student does not accomplish the qualifications for participation in class, he/she will lose or receive no participation points for that class period.

○ Quizzes

■ Quizzes→ Quizzes pertaining to proper vocal technique, vocal health, and music memorization will be given periodically to test the students comprehension and application of the class material. These can be either announced or unannounced and will be worth up to 20 points.

○ Choral Ensemble Binder Check

■ Every quarter, there will be a Choral Ensemble Binder Check. This project grades the students success in organizing their musical repertoire, notes, and returned assignments in their choral ensemble binder. This assignment will be worth up to 50 points.

■ All music in the student’s Chorale Ensemble Binder will be returned to Mrs. Kleppe at the end of the year. Points will be deducted for missing or damaged music.

○ Master Classes

■ Every semester, a master class will be given. In this master class, the student will perform a piece they have prepared, memorized, and practiced thoroughly for the teacher and receive direct instruction on vocal strategies that could further the excellence of the performance. The student MUST come prepared to perform with their music memorized (unless otherwise instructed by Mrs. Kleppe). Any performance that does not meet this requirement will lose significant points. All students in the class are required to participate. These master classes will be worth up to 100 points.


➢ 1 ½ ” three-ring binder

➢ Binder dividers

➢ Loose-leaf lined notebook paper → College ruled white paper, 8 ½ x 11

➢ 2 Black or traditional blue ballpoint pen

➢ 1 Red pen

*Please always bring your pens, binder, and music to class.


➢ Here are some ways to enhance your learning experience in the course and help with difficulties you may encounter:

○ Annotate your music

○ Complete assignments by their due date

○ Be present at all masterclasses and recitals/performances

○ Participate in classroom activities by attentively taking notes, asking clarifying questions, or raising relevant points

○ Attend after school help hours (Wednesday, 3:15-4:00 pm or by appointment with Mrs. Kleppe).

○ Ask Mrs. Kleppe to give you feedback on your performance as a student and suggest ways to improve your learning experience

○ Ask for help/advice from fellow students who experience success in the course.

*Email is the most efficient way of reaching me. I will respond to inquiries within 1 business day.*