English 9

Use Class Code : 


You can use the Chat function in this app (on phone or website) to communicate like a text message.  I have this function turned on as I don't get email notifications (too many) but I do see every 'text' that comes in.  It does not use your phone # - but sends me an 'app' number so please include the student's name and/or parent's name in your first chat.  I will also be using it to send out announcements periodically.  Mandatory to be signed in.

2nd Semester

Click on your Period : 

Period 3  

Period 4

Period 6

Linked to your Google Classroom

You can use ClassLink or this direct link to Infinite Campus

When you log into ClassLink you get access to many of the sites/apps used by teachers and the district.  Infinite Campus is where you will find your schedule and grades. 

Savvas Realize

add this app to your ClassLInk


add this app to your ClassLink if available