HHS Pathways & Dual Enrollment

HHS Career Pathways

Heritage High School offers multiple Career Pathway programs that include articulation, college credit, AP coursework, and industry partnership.

BioMedical- Project Lead the Way

4-course pathway- with industry partnerships and AP Components

Engineering- Project Lead the Way

6-course pathway with AP components

Agriculture- FFA

9-course pathway with CTE organization and competition (2nd largest participation in the state)

Computer Science

3-course pathway with AP component

Law Enforcement

3-course pathway with CTE organization with articulation with MSJC

MSJC Dual Enrollment at Heritage High School

Heritage High School has a partnership with Mount San Jacinto Community College and offers the following UC/Cal State Transferable college classes through dual enrollment. HHS currently has over 311 students enrolled.

Political Science (PS 101)

US History to 1877 (Hist 111)

US History since 1865 (Hist 112)

College Algebra (MTH 105)

College Pre-Calculus (MTH 110)

Art Appreciation (ART 100)

College Success and College Readiness (CSCR 100)