
Mission Statement

Pre-Health Club is a place for students interested in health professions to learn, connect, and serve alongside one another and our surrounding community.

We are committed to supporting, motivating, and empowering students on their health professions journey.

We strive to provide equitable experiences and outcomes for pre-health students of all backgrounds.

We encourage students to use this club to explore, discover, and reflect to grow their future professional impact to the field of health care.

Leadership Team 2021 - 2022

Sofia McLauren '22


Kelci Hooker '23

Vice President

Keren Rivkin


Evelyn Standaert

Volunteer Coordinator

Kaushal Raghu

Events Chair

Andrew Saddler '24


Grace Sexton

OT/PT Representative

Amanda Wissing '25

Freshman Representative

Angel Ai-Perreira '22

Social Media Coordinator

Partnership with Health Professions Advising Office

We are very thankful to collaborate closely with Health Professions Advising (HPA) at UPS. Through this connection, we have their expertise, resources, and support through the development of the club and our personal pre-health journeys. The HPA advisors are extremely thoughtful, and are an amazing resource to utilize during your pre-health time at UPS. It is also great for developing personal and professional relationships that will be beneficial in the future.

Feel free to reach out to the HPA office! They would love to meet you!

Email: healthprofessions@pugetsound.edu

Club logo designed by Tess Peppis '19. For business inquiry, email: tess@theofficearts.com