Angelo Cozzubo

Welcome to my site 

I am a Ph.D. student at the Joint Program in Survey Methodology and Data Science (U. of Maryland), a Data Scientist II at NORC at the University of Chicago and an Adjunct Professor at PUCP 

I graduated with honors from the M.Sc. Computational Analysis and Public Policy at the University of Chicago. I am very thankful for the full scholarship I was awarded by the Peruvian Government.  

I also hold a Licentiate and Bachelor in Economics (first class honors) from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

My previous job positions have involved:

My interests are surveys, applied microeconomics, data science, and public policy.

Contact at: acozzubo [at] uchicago [dot] edu, or find me on Twitter

My Research 

Projects (code available in GitHub)  

The Party Switchers (for web).pdf

Computer Science II - Final Project

Tools: Python (Selenium, Networkx, Pandas, Matplotlib) and Shell Scripting 

Videos and Blog Entries   

Wapor Webinar: Surveying Hard to Reach Populations

Measuring Vulnerability to end Poverty

UNDP Let's talk about governance:
Vulnerability and poverty in pandemic times  

Systematic Review Workshop with Zotero