Maureen Forys

Panelist  |  Agent 001, Happenstance Type-O-Rama Fr
ances Baca Design

SESSION 3C  |  Breaking the Rules: Innovative and Equitable Business Models in Publishing 

Maureen Forys (she/her) is the principal agent of Happenstance Type-O-Rama, an Oakland book packaging and design firm that has designed and typeset thousands of books for publishers including Pearson Education, North Atlantic Books, Maker Media, Berrett-Koehler, No Starch Press, and Chronicle Books. If you have seen the New York Times-bestselling and James Beard Award-winning book The Art of Fermentation (you likely have as it's on every shelf of every restaurant in Oakland and San Francisco), you have seen her work. When not making books, she can be found at monthly meetings of the San Francisco Correspondence Co-op or in her urban farmyard, hanging out with the chickens and the bees, while tending the tomatoes.

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