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Join the conversation with distinguished speakers representing publishers and publishing service groups from Northern California and beyond.
At the David Brower Center in Downtown Berkeley, CA
❯ Easily accessible by public transportation ❮
❯ Light breakfast and full lunch included ❮
The PPN Conference serves as both a professional forum and a community gathering. As an author, attending the conference and connecting faces to names within our local publishing industry provided me with invaluable insights into the perspectives and considerations of the myriad professionals integral to the book creation process. Equally, I hope I contributed meaningful reflections from the authors' vantage point within this collaborative chain.
NILOUFAR TALEBIAuthor, Translator, Producer, Educator, Creator
Learn from Publishing Experts
Aya de León | Keynote: Every Story Is a Climate Story: How Publishing Can Help Solve the Climate Crisis
Author and Climate Justice Activist
Aya de León (she/her/ella), the author of ten novels, teaches creative writing and climate justice at UC Berkeley. She is the acquiring editor for Fighting Chance Books, telling the story of how we can still save our planet. Aya’s work has appeared in various venues, including Harper’s Bazaar, Ebony, and Def Poetry, and she was recently interviewed in the New York Times. In spring 2022, she organized an online conference entitled Black Literature vs. the Climate Emergency (available on YouTube). In addition, she does climate organizing with the Black Hive, the climate justice formation at the Movement for Black Lives. Aya was named Berkeley’s new poet laureate in 2023.
Nina Schuyler
Award-Winning AuthorMike Johnson
SheridanSara Fan
2023 Robin Seaman Award Winner and UC PressJeevan Sivasubramaniam
Berrett-Koehler PublishersRaya Rahman
Guba Books2024 Topics Include
AI Here and Now
Printing and Manufacturing
Transforming Publishing through Grants, Professional Development, and BAWiP's Robin Seaman Award
Making Content Open Access
Innovative and Equitable Business Models in Publishing
Book Promotions Workshop
A Conversation Between Managing Editors and Freelancers
Get the Most out of the Conference!
Attending a conference can be such a fun experience, but also an intimidating one. By planning ahead of time, we can put ourselves in a position to get the most out of it with the least amount of stress. Join us for a PPN pre-conference meetup with Brittany Dowdle and Linda Ruggeri from The Networking Studio. We’ll discuss how we can prepare for the PPN conference so we can be at ease and network effectively, getting the most out of our in-person conference experience. Linda Ruggeri and Brittany Dowdle are the authors of the book Networking for Freelance Editors, which won a Benjamin Franklin Silver Medal Award in 2022, and The Conference Notebook, a practical and goal-oriented conference planning notebook to make your conference experience more results-driven and successful.
Join Us
Attend our keynote address and choose three breakout programs from nine offered. See our schedule.
Find out how to sponsor our conference and get your company recognized.
New to publishing? Thinking about joining the field? Apply to attend with a full scholarship.
Do you have general conference queries? Contact us at