Rajan Shukla

Rajan Shukla

Public Allies Milwaukee 2002-2003

As The Nature Conservancy’s Midwest Director of Freshwater Policy, Raj (he/him/his) oversees work to protect and restore the health of 90 percent of the nation’s surface fresh water. He collaborates with national, state and local partners to support science-based advocacy for the protection of fresh water. His work connects equity and conservation, centering the diverse needs of communities struggling with floods and pollution.

Tell us about your leadership?

Since graduating Public Allies in 2003, Raj trained candidates for state and local office how to win on progressive values, developed cutting edge behavior change technologies the cut costs and emissions for corporate and municipal clients, organized advocates across WI to protect and restore water, led Madison to become the first city in WI to commit to 100% renewable energy and now directs regional water policy efforts for the largest conservation organization in the world. Every professional accomplishment is rooted in the skills and values I explored as an Ally. I am grateful, and I want to give back.

Which Public Allies core value resonates with you the most and why?

Each of Public Allies’ core values resonate deeply with me. However the concept of asset-based community development opened my eyes to new kinds ways of engaging my neighbors to fight for change. My world changed from one filled with problems to fix to one with endless, sometime surprising resources to make people’s lives better. Every person is a potential leader, every institution a potential partner and every challenge a new opportunity.

Anything else you'd like to share?

Public Allies changed the course of my life. I am eager for the change to shape the organization’s path as it transitions to a new phase in its life.