Juliette Bravo Guzmán

Juliette Bravo Guzmán

Public Allies New York 2016-2017

Hi! My name is Juliette Bravo Guzmán, I am 29 and hail from Brooklyn, NYC. My preferred pronouns are she, her and my name. The first-born daughter to monolingual parents, I grew up bilingually in one of the most culturally & linguistically diverse cities in the world. My parents emigrated from Puebla, Mexico, and instilled in me a great sense of pride in our heritage. My childhood neighbourhood was predominantly Black and Latino and I was lucky enough to be culturally well represented at school. It made me appreciate my cultural identity and provided an integral sense of belonging. Nerdy, artistic, enthusiastic, dedicated, and compassionate are the adjectives I'd say which best describe me. These help me in my endeavour to empower those with a lack of resources but a strong will to thrive.

Tell us about your leadership?

My leadership style is meeting people where they are at, recognizing people's individual needs and adjusting my service accordingly. My leadership is bilingual and intercultural. It comes from seeking opportunity and professional development through programs like CORO NY & Public Allies NY. It is strengthened by my higher education and rewarded through direct community impact.

At the age of 17 I conceptualized and began the implementation of a youth led court at my high school. During my 4 years at university I tutored/volunteered with students in underserved communities. Back in NYC, I organized and led informational workshops on Tenant Rights, and voluntarily taught immigrants English at community centers. Currently, I volunteer as an English teacher at educational centers for young refugees in Germany.

Which Public Allies core value resonates with you the most and why?

Of the 6 core values, Continuous Learning is the value that most resonates with me. It promotes making well informed decisions by competent stakeholders. It provides new insights and refreshing perspectives. This enhances the other core values and helps our work to remain relevant.

Anything else you'd like to share?

I am currently living in Stuttgart, Germany working at an association for cultural education as a Digital Youth Advisor excited for the opportunity to reconnect with and serve the Public Allies community. Goal-oriented, courageous and with an adventurous spirit, I have always sought opportunities in which I could put my social and technical skills to good use. From working in the hospitality industry, to Community/Tenant Organizer, and finally as a Teacher of English in one of the world's greatest cosmopolitan cities and later abroad, I have gained both an invaluable experience as well as broadened my understanding of social inequality in the US. Therefore, it would be truly meaningful to me to represent the PA Alumni and continue to address this issue together.