Jocelyn Rodriguez

Jocelyn Rodriguez

Public Allies Delaware 2017-2018 / Public Allies Eagle Rock School 2018-2019

Since completing my first two terms in Public Allies, I have been able to work in various educational capacities while also giving back to Public Allies sites that I have completed terms with, Public Allies Delaware and Public Allies Eagle Rock. Both experiences taught me new practices, enhanced my skillset in working in the educational capacity, and contributed to my desire to continue working in mentorship roles. After completing my year at Public Allies Eagle Rock, I was hired to the full-time staff where I remained for three years before deciding I wanted to gain exposure in international education and moving to Spain and Costa Rica.

Growing up, I did not have peers or mentors that exemplified the person and professional I desired to be. Although, I had a great support system, I knew that in order to become the person I desired, I had to be willing to make sacrifices and embark on new experiences in the realm of work I was passionate about. Hence, over the last year I began that journey. Working teaching English in Spain, working as an International Director for cultural immersion trips in Costa Rica, and now working to make cultural immersion trips accessible for low-income students started with my experiences as a Public Ally.

Tell us about your leadership?

My leadership style is reflective of the values I have as an individual; having fun, continuous development, welcoming feedback, taking time to unplug and take care of myself (+1), being reliable, having integrity, and working as a team. In the roles in which I have supervised a team, I have spent time creating a work culture that is conducive of the values I stated above. I believe that above all, having fun is essential. It is important that my team, enjoys what they do and also can communicate when they may not feel in alignment with myself or the organization, we are a part of. Being reliable, having integrity, and welcoming feedback are values that I group together as these specific values have supported in creating an environment where everyone feels seen, can communicate their needs openly, and will receive consistency.

Lastly, continuous development and self-care are essential in my leadership style as they provide longevity in a role while also being realistic that sometimes not doing anything, is doing everything you need. So, it is important that I lead by example in these values so that I can create a healthy environment conducive for growth, development, and simply being human.

Which Public Allies core value resonates with you the most and why?

The Public Allies core value that resonates with me the most is, "continuous learning." I believe this value has been the value that I have exemplified in my personal and professional life the most. Working in Public Allies in both Delaware and Colorado, I was placed in roles that allowed for room to grow and understand other aspects of work that I was not originally exposed to. Since then, I have been in capacities in which challenged my ideologies, work-ethic, and allowed me to learn other assets that support myself care in organizations like advocating for what I need. Now, I spend time being able to support other staff members and adolescents to do the same.

Anything else you'd like to share?

Thank you for reaching out to alumni to apply! I have been waiting on opportunities to reconnect with Public Allies and be of support in the vision of where the organization is headed.