Freddy Miranda

Freddy Miranda

Public Allies Chicago 2004-2005

I am the youngest of 5 boys and the son of immigrant parents who came to the US for a better life. I am an openly queer Latinx that advocates and promotes inclusivity and diversity within all spectrums of oppressed and vibrant communities. I strongly believe in service and giving back to the communities to which I belong or identify with. I also believe in respect, value, justice, and integrity while supporting those same communities.

Tell us about your leadership?

I have 18 years of nonprofit work experience from direct service, administration and operations. In all my work I have taken on anti-oppressive, trauma informed, and anti racist frameworks. In my professional capacity there has been direct involvement in leadership teams providing overall guidance, direction, financial administration, and human resources functions.

Which Public Allies core value resonates with you the most and why?

One of the most important tools our communities have that date back to our ancestry is the ability to tell stories through our integrity. It is the way our history, traditions, heartache, and spirituality have been passed down from generation to generation. The harm done by the the many systems of oppression is so deep and has been going on since their inception that we will continue to learn of the harm done. The very people at the center of this harm and their ability to share their story, their ability to be heard, their ability to support others, their power in sharing what has happened to them is paramount for the future of our community. All of which must be done through the highest levels of integrity, where we are accountable on all levels.

We must learn from first hand accounts, we must face truth no matter how hard it can be, and we must center those voices so that they can navigate the world in a more healed and supported way. We must allow them at their pace and with their words to identify and speak on what is happening and their experiences in these systems.