Ariel Baber

Ariel Baber

Public Allies Arizona 2020-2021

Ariel Baber is the Volunteer Manager at UMOM New Day Centers, and she works to catalyze the strengths of the local community to combat family homelessness in Maricopa County. She believes that family homelessness is a problem that can be solved. In addition to human services, Ariel has 10 years of experience working with children in the areas of positive youth development and academic success. She is also a former Public Allies Arizona AmeriCorps member, a Leading for Change Fellow, and a participant in the New Politics Leadership Academy’s Answering the Call 2021 Cohort, and sits on the Phoenix Youth and Education Commission.

Ariel Baber holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences from Arizona State University, and a Master’s in Public Health from Southern New Hampshire University.

Tell us about your leadership?

I believe my personal leadership philosophy is a combination of a democratic leadership and strategic leadership. For the democratic leadership philosophy, I often leverage the entire team to help weigh in on important issues, program development, or strategic initiative development. I personally think that, when making decisions or working on projects that will impact multiple levels of staff or clients, then it is best to give each level the opportunity to weigh in on the decision or project. For the strategic leadership philosophy, I often maintain personal responsibility for operations while also trying to empower and coach each person on my team (staff or volunteers) to reach their full potential.

Which Public Allies core value resonates with you the most and why?

The Collaboration core value resonates with me the most because, since starting in the nonprofit space, I have come to learn that most social justice issues require collaborative solutions from every level of the community in order to be effective and inclusive.

Anything else you'd like to share?

My personal vision for the future is that all Arizona youth/teens have equitable opportunity to develop into a happy and productive adults.

In my free time, I enjoy hiking, kayaking, reading, and binge-watching cooking/baking competition shows on Netflix (especially the bad ones).