Anjenee Cannon

Anjenee Cannon

Public Allies Delaware 2020-2021

Anjenee Cannon is an AmeriCorps VISTA member serving as a Communications Associate, Social Media & Marketing at Raising A Village organization. She has previously served in communication and marketing-based roles at the American Red Cross, the Office of U.S. Senator Chris Coons, and Habitat for Humanity of New Castle County. In addition, she is a two-term alumni of the AmeriCorps State and National Service program, where she completed terms at Public Allies Delaware and Reading Assist. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Communication, Digital Journalism from Wilmington University.

Tell us about your leadership?

I believe leadership does not necessarily pertain to one’s professional title, but the way you carry yourself and how you support others when you need to step up to the plate. In instances when I have had to step us a leader in professional spaces, my top priority has and is always to create a safe space for open communication. As a leader, I value open communication and making sure that those whom I work with feel comfortable to voice their needs and concerns. I’m addition, my leadership reflects honesty, respect, and integrity.

Which Public Allies core value resonates with you the most and why?

Of all of the Public Allies core values, integrity resonates the most with me. During my service experience as a Public Ally, I leaned into the value of upholding integrity when it came to my dedication and commitment to the completion of tasks. In addition, my own personal interpretation of integrity is doing the right thing and upholding moral rightness to the best of my ability. I believe that integrity speaks to the quality of one’s character be ability to lead with humility and compassion towards others. On both professional and personal levels, integrity is at the core of my dedication to strive forward in a true and honest manner.