Mrs Moala - Maths

Term 1

Term 4

Week 11

XtraMaths: Twice daily

MathsWhiz: 15 minutes daily

Week 9

WALT: Understand fraction of a number.

WALT: Use a diagram to determine the fraction of a number

XtraMaths: Twice daily

MathsWhiz: 15 minutes daily

Figure it Out Tasks

Work on these when not with the teacher

Note: The Digit cards are under the TV!

Number of the Week-This should be POSTED on your blog MONDAY!

Week 8

WALT: Add and subtract by making 10s.

XtraMaths: Twice daily

MathsWhiz: 15 minutes daily

Figure it Out Tasks

Work on these when not with the teacher

Note: The Digit cards are under the TV!

Number of the Week

Week 7

WALT: Add and subtract by making 10s.

XtraMaths: Twice daily

MathsWhiz: 15 minutes daily

Task 1: Number of the Week

Task 2: Practice Problems

Task 3: DMIC Problem

DMIC 2018

Week 4

WALT: Add by making 10s: Read and Recognise pictographs and bar graphs.

XtraMaths: Twice daily

MathsWhiz: 15 minutes daily

Task 1: Picto- and Bar Graphs

Pictographs and Bar Graphs

Task 2: Practice Problems

Task 3: DMIC Problem

DMIC 2018

Week 3

WALT: Add by making 10s

XtraMaths: Twice daily

MathsWhiz: 15 minutes daily

Task 2: Practice Problems

Task 1: DMIC Problem

DMIC 2018

Week 2

WALT: Tell time using an analog and digital clock.

XtraMaths: We will begin this on Wed.

MathsWhizz: 15 minutes (daily)

Task 1:

Task 2: DMIC Problem

DMIC 2018


WALT: Use analog and digital clocks to tell time.

Tell us about a normal school day for you, using time to give detail.

Have a go at answering the bronze, silver, and gold medal questions! You may choose to solve these alone or with a friend!

My TIMEtable
