Term 1

Lei Problem

Walt: Work as a group to solve a maths problem.

Walt: Explain what we did to solve the problem and what the question is asking us

Teacher Notes

Week 8 - Term 1

Walt: to use a range of different strategies to estimate length

Walt: to be able to use a ruler to correctly identify measurement


You will have three independent tasks to complete this week, your number of the week, problem solving for week 8 and once you have completed these there is Maths-Whizz.

Teacher Notes

Week 7 - Term 1

Walt: to use a range of different strategies to solve money number problems


You will need to complete each task every day:

  • XtraMaths
  • Maths-Whizz (at least 20 minutes)

Once you have completed these activities you will then need to complete the problem solving task and the number of the week. This week your number is 199.

Teacher Notes

Group Task 3

Week 4 - Term 1

Walt: to use a range of different strategies to solve problems


You will need to complete each task every day:

  • XtraMaths
  • Maths-Whizz (at least 20 minutes)

Once you have completed these activities you will then need to complete the problem solving task and the number of the week. This week your number is 156.

Teacher Notes

Week 2 - Term 1

Walt: to use a range of different strategies to solve problems


You will need to complete each task every day:

  • XtraMaths
  • Maths-Whizz (at least 20 minutes)

Once you have completed these activities you will then need to complete the problem solving task and the number of the week.

Teacher Notes

Week 1 - Time

My TIMEtable

WALT: to be able to write the time in word form and number form.

WALT: explain my day using time

Complete the presentation about your daily timetable. Then have a go at trying the bronze, sliver and gold challenges. You can try and do this by yourself or you can give it a go with one of your friends.

Room 8 Maths Blog Log

Teacher Notes

Term 1 Animation

Team 4 Animation - Respect

What does it mean to be respectful?

This year our school focus is about showing respect and learning what that looks like in a number of different ways around the school. Use the presentation to help you plan your animation.