Term 4

We are learning to:

Term 4: Scratch Animation

Term 3

Sport Animation Links Room 13

Sport Animation Links Room 14

Room 14 Gifs

Room 13 Gifs

Term 2

Year 3 Science Movie Embed Codes

Year 3 Science Movie Embed Codes

This term, we will be exploring how matter changes. 

What do you notice when a solid changes to a gas or a liquid? 

What do you notice when a gas changes to a liquid or a solid?

What do you notice when a liquid changes to a solid or a gas?

Team 3 Immersion Day

Making Jelly Report

Oil/Water Lava Lamps Report

Click on the picture above to check out our Team 3 "What is Matter?" science site. Have fun exploring a new topic each week with your class! 

Creative Space: iMovie Projects

We are learning to edit video footage using iMovie to make a movie.

Click on the iMovie Logo to access your Creative Space Video Footage

This term, you will be using video footage of experiements done in class to edit your own movie showcasing Team 3 experiements using iMovie. Check out the rubric to make sure you are including everything that Mrs Burton talks about during your Creative Space sessions. 

Don't forget, the Creative Space is open during lunch for you to go in and work on your projects. 

Term 1

We are learning to animate a sprite to walk across the screen


Helpful Hint: Make sure your background is transparent when you create your Photopea project.