Cybersmart with Mrs Tofa
Term 4
Week 5
Fake images
Learning Intention: we are learning to identify fake images and create fake images
Make a copy of the slides
Create your fake image
Download your fake image as a png
Create your blog post for today's lesson
Week 2
Quality blog comments: Film Festival
Learning Intention: we are learning to be critical about fake content online
Make a copy of the slide presentation
Move your copy to your cybersmart folder
Watch the movies on each slide
Use the template to compose your quality blog comments
Blog your slides on your blog
Week 1
Fake News
Learning Intention: we are learning to be critical about fake content online
Make a copy of the slide presentation
Move your copy to your cybersmart folder
Complete the activities on the slides
Write down five statements about what you learnt today
Post your slides on your blog with a dscription of today's learning
Term 3
Week 9: Stock take of my blog posts
Stock take of my blog posts
Learning Intention: we are learning to reflect on how many blog posts we are making a month
Make a copy of the slide presentation
Move your copy to your cybersmart folder
Count how many blog posts you are making a month
Set a blogging goal for Week 10
Compose your blog post for today's lesson
Quality blog comments
Learning Intention: we are learning to write quality blog comments
Make a copy of the slide presentation
Move your copy to your cybersmart folder
Compose blog comments to a class members at your table
Take a screenshot of your blog comments
Compose your blog post for today to post your create work
Week 3: It's cool to be kind
It's cool to be kind
Learning Intention: we are learning to promote kindness online
Make a copy of the slide presenrtation
Move your copy to your cybersmart folder
Complete the activities on the slides
Create your poster
Compose your blog post for today to post your create work
Week 1/2: Email Etiquette
Email Etiquette
Learning Intention: we are learning to use emails appropriately
Make a copy of the google drawings template
Move your copy to your cybersmart folder
Compose your email to your friend
Take a screenshot of your email before sending
Compose your blog post for today
Term 2
Week 9: Matariki Stars
Matariki stars using Google Drawings
Learning Intention: to use creative tools in Google Drawings to design a Matariki Star
Make a copy of the google drawings template
Move your copy to your cybersmart folder
Create your Matariki Star
Share your Matariki Star design on your blog
Week 8: Visual mihi
Creating a visual mihi
Learning Intention: representing ourvelves positively online
Make a copy of the google drawings template
Move your copy to your cybersmart folder
Create your visual mihi (remember, you are representing yourself visually)
Share your visual mihi on your blog
Week 7: Samoan patterns using Google Drawings
Samoan Patterns
Learning Intention: To use the line tools in Google Drawing to create Samoan patterns
Make a copy of the Google Drawing
Move your copy into your Cybersmart folder
Create your Samoan pattern
Post your Samoan pattern design on your blog
Week 6: Quality Blog Comments
Quality Blog Comments
Learning Intention: We are learning to write quality blog comments
Make a copy of the slides
Move your copy into your Cybersmart folder
Complete the Positive, Thoughtful, Helpful arrow activity
Draft your quality blog comment
Week 5: Internet Premanence
Internet Premanence
Learning Intention: to understand that whatever you put online can stay there forever
Brainstorm understanding as a class
Complete the click and drag activity
Create a poster to teach others about internet premanence
Compose your blog post about today's learning
Week 4: 24 Hour Footprint
24 Hour Digital Footprint
Learning Intention: to understand the concept of a digital footprint.
Watch the video
Discuss the idea of a Digital Footprint with the class.
Open your History (Ctrl + H)
Look at your history from the last 24 hours. What does it say about you?
Make a copy of the template, and follow the instructions inside
Download the image
Create a new blog post. Insert the image, and write a critique about what your history says about you.
Week 2: Creating a Comic Strip to share our learning
Week 1: We are learning to make decisions about information we share and information we keep private online.
Let's explore some blog profiles
What information are these bloggers sharing about themselves online?
What do these blog profiles have in common with each other?