What are the invisible strings holding Aroha where she stands?

Complete the activity sharing what you learned about how Aroha feels and why.

Imagine you are Aroha being wrapped up in the strings.

Act it out.

How do you feel?

What does your face do?

What do you hands do?

What do you eyes do?

How does your heart feel?

What happens to your breathing?

Think about the relationships you have had this year. What are the invisible strings that have reminded you that you are supported.

Complete the activity.

Strings can pull us down and bring us up!

When has someone made you feel good with your connect?

When have you felt pulled down by your feelings?

String games

Work as a class to play one of both of these game.

-Think about the questions you might ask.

-Things you might say.

-How you feel?

Why you feel that way.

Complete the class Jamboard page 1 before the activity and pages 2/3 after.

Create a string art piece.

  1. Use a cardboard circle or Plate.

  2. Stick Aroha in the middle.

  3. Cut small lines around the outside.

  4. Use string to make a web over Aroaha

  5. Write some of the connection Aroha has.

  6. Take a photo on a new EE or Google slide. Write or record a few sentences explaining why these connections are important.

  7. Repeat the process with a picture of yourself.