ดร. จักรัตน์ อโณทัย


วท.บ. (เกษตรศาสตร์) มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์

ปร.ด. (พืชไร่) มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น


ปรับปรุงพันธุ์พืช และแบบจำลองการเจริญเติบโตของพืช



510-312 สถิติสำหรับการวิจัยทางเกษตร

510-431 หลักการปรับปรุงพันธุ์พืช


510-531 การปรับปรุงพันธุ์พืชขั้นสูง 1


2557-2558: ปรากฏการณ์ ENSO ต่อความแปรปรวนของสภาพภูมิอากาศและผลผลิตปาล์มน้ำมันในภาคใต้ของประเทศไทย (ผู้ร่วมโครงการวิจัย)



Asseng, S., Anothai, J. et al. 2015. Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production. nature climate change. 5(2) : 143-147.

Salazar, M.R., Chaves, B., Anothai, J., Whiting, M., Hoogenboom, G., 2014. Variation in cold hardiness of sweet cherry flower buds through different phenological stages. Scientia Horticulturae 172: 161–167.

Anothai, J., Soler, C.M.T., Green, A., Trout, T.J., Hoogenboom, G., 2013. Evaluation of two evapotranspiration approaches simulated with the CSM–CERES–Maize model under different irrigation strategies and the impact on maize growth, development and soil moisture content for semi–arid conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 176: 64–76.

Soler, C.M.T., Suleiman, A., Anothai, J., Flitcroft, I., Hoogenboom, G., 2013. Scheduling irrigation with a dynamic crop growth model and determining the relation between simulated drought stress and yield for peanut. Irrigation Science 31: 889–901

Ahmad, S., Ahmad, A., Soler, C.M.T., Ali, H., Zia–Ul–Haq, M., Anothai, J., Hussain, A., Hoogenboom, G., Hasanuzzaman, M., 2011. Application of the CSM–CERES–Rice model for evaluation of plant density and nitrogen management of fine transplanted rice for an irrigated semiarid environment. Precision Agriculture 13: 200–218.

Anothai, J., Patanothai, A., Pannangpetch, K., Jogloy, S., Boote, K.J., Hoogenboom, G., 2009. Multi–environment evaluation of peanut lines by model simulation with the cultivar coefficients derived from a reduced set of observed field data. Field Crops Research 110: 111–122.

Anothai, J., Patanothai, A., Pannangpetch, K., Jogloy, S., Boote, K.J., Hoogenboom, G., 2008. A sequential approach for determining the cultivar coefficients of peanut lines using end–of–season data of crop performance trials. Field Crops Research 108: 169–178.

Anothai, J., Patanothai, A., Pannangpetch, K., Jogloy, S., Boote, K.J., Hoogenboom, G., 2008. Reduction in data collection for determination of cultivar coefficients for breeding application. Agricultural Systems 96: 195–206.

Anothai, J., Ottman, M.J., Salazar, M.R., Green, A., Kimball, B.A., Hoogenboom, G., 2013. Performance evaluation of the CSM–CERES–Maize and CSM–Ixim–Maize models for simulating maize response to high temperature and drought stress under field conditions. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. Tampa, Florida, USA, November 3–6, 2013.

Salazar, M.R., Johnson, J.W., Chaves, B., Anothai, J., Hoogenboom, G., 2013. Use of principal component analysis for the classification of winter wheat. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. Tampa, Florida, USA, November 3–6, 2013.

Hammad, H.M., Ahmad, A., Abbas, F., Saeed, S., Farhad, W., Anothai, J., Hoogenboom, G., 2013. Simulating water and nitrogen requirements for maize under semi–arid conditions using the CSM–CERES–Maize model. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. Tampa, Florida, USA, November 3–6, 2013.

Hoogenboom, G., Salazar, M.R., Anothai, J., Soler, C.M.T., 2013. The application of simulation models for assessment and impact analysis of drought and water requirements at different scales. The 1st CIGR Inter–Regional Conference on Land and Water Challenges. CIHEAM IAMB, Bari, Italy, September 10–14, 2013.

Anothai, J., Salazar, M.R., Thain, S., Flitcroft, I., Hoogenboom, G., 2013. The effect of extreme high temperatures on maize growth and development. Plant Biology international annual meeting. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 19–24, 2013.


Salazar, M.R., Chaves, B., Anothai, J., Whiting, M., Hoogenboom, G., 2013. Cold hardiness of apples and cherry buds. Plant Biology international annual meeting. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 19–24, 2013.

Hoogenboom, G., Ritchie, J.T., Hunt, L.A., White, J.W., Anothai, J., 2013. The cropping system model (CSM)–CERES–Wheat. Proceedings of the workshop modeling wheat response to high temperature. CIMMYT, El Batan, Texcoco, Mexico, June 19–21, 2013.

Salazar, M.R., Anothai, J., Chaves, B., Hoogenboom, G., 2013. Mega–environment and multivariate statistical analysis of hard winter wheat grown in Washington State. Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting. Pendleton, Oregon, USA, June 11–12, 2013.

Anothai, J., Soler, C.M.T., Green, A., Ottman, M.J., Kimball, B.A., Hoogenboom, G., 2012. Evaluating the response of CSM–CERES–Maize to high temperature and drought stress under field conditions. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, October 21–24, 2012.

Salazar, M.R., Johnson, J.W., Chaves, B., Anothai, J., Hoogenboom, G., 2012. Evaluation of the CSM–CERES–Wheat model using variety trial data. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, October 21–24, 2012.

Hoogenboom, G., Anothai, J., Harrison, T., Thain, S., Flitcroft, I., 2011. The effect of extreme high temperatures on maize growth and development. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 16–19, 2011.

Soler, C.M.T., Anothai, J., Green, A., Hoogenboom, G., 2011. Effects of inter–annual weather variability on corn grown in southeastern USA. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 16–19, 2011.

Anothai, J., Soler, C.M.T., Green, A., Hoogenboom, G., 2011. Soybean yield and mineral concentrations as a function of different irrigation strategies for a humid environment. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 16–19, 2011.

Anothai, J., Soler, C.M.T., Green, A., Dahmer, M., Trout, T.J., Shaner, D.L., Hoogenboom, G., 2010. Evaluation of the CSM–CERES–Maize model to simulate the effects of different irrigation strategies on maize growth and development, evapotranspiration and soil water content. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. Long Beach, California, USA, October 31–November 4, 2010.


Soler, C.M.T., Anothai, J., Green, A., Dahmer, M., Hoogenboom, G., 2010. Using crop simulation models as a tool for abiotic stress characterization of cotton. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. Long Beach, California, USA, October 31–November 4, 2010.

Anothai, J., Patanothai, A., Pannangpetch, K., Jogloy, S., Boote, K.J., Hoogenboom, G., 2010. Application of the CSM–CROPGRO–Peanut model in assisting with the performance evaluation of peanut lines at the early stage of yield testing. The American Peanut Research and Education Society Annual Meeting. Clearwater beach, Tampa, Florida, USA, July 13–15, 2010.

Soler, C.M.T., Anothai, J., Green, A., Dahmer, M., Hoogenboom, G., 2009. The use of crop simulation models as a tool for environmental characterization for maize and soybean crops. ASA–CSSA–SSSA International Annual Meetings. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, November 1–5, 2009.

Anothai, J., Patanothai, A., Pannangpetch, K., Jogloy, S., Boote, K.J., Hoogenboom, G., 2009. Application of the CSM–CROPGRO–Peanut model in assisting the yield performance and stability evaluation of peanut breeding lines. The 39th Biological Systems Simulation Conference. Griffin, Georgia, USA, May 11–13, 2009.

Patanothai, A., Banterng, P., Suriharn, B., Putto, W., Anothai, J., Pannangpetch, K., Jogloy, S., Boote, K.J., Hoogenboom, G., 2008. Applications of crop simulation model in peanut breeding. The 5th International Crop Science Congress. ICC, Jeju, South Korea, April 13–18, 2008.

Anothai, J., Patanothai, A., Pannangpetch, K., Jogloy, S., Boote, K.J., Hoogenboom, G., 2008. Application of the CSM–CROPGRO–Peanut model in assisting the performance evaluation of peanut breeding lines at the early stage of yield testing. RGJ–Ph.D. Congress IX. Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand, April 4–6, 2008.

Anothai, J., Patanothai, A., Pannangpetch, K., Jogloy, S., Boote, K.J., Hoogenboom, G., 2006. Reduction of data to be collected for determination of genetic coefficients of peanut lines for breeding applications. The American Peanut Research and Education Society Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, USA, July 11–14, 2006.