Dr.K.Arunprasath., M.E., MBA., PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Educational Details
Doctor of Philosophy - Mechanical Engineering-Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil -2020 - Highly recommended by Indian & foreign examiners.
Master of Business Administration - Human Resource Management - Tamilnadu National Open University, Chennai - 2016 - 80%.
Master of Engineering - Manufacturing Engineering - Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai - 2014 - 8.78 CGPA First Class with Distinction.
(Anna University 10th Rank all Over Tamilnadu (10/287) in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering (M.E) in the Year 2014)
Bachelor of Technology - Mechanical Engineering-Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil -2012 - 7.42 CGPA.
Awards and Recognition
✓ Young Researcher Award 2023, InSc International Publishers
✓ Young Scientist 2023, International Young Scientist Awards 2023, Science Father.
✓ Inspirational Research Award-2023, INSO 2023, International Research Awards on Science, Technology and Management.
✓ Gurukul Academic Award- 2022, Institute for Social Reforms and Higher Education Charitable Trust.
✓ Best Researcher Award -2022, International Research Awards on Composite Materials- 2022 by Science Father.
✓ Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam- Puruskar-2022 Award given by the International Council of Social Reforms and Research.
✓ Anna University Doctoral Member for Research Scholars doing Ph.D under Mechanical and Civil Engineering Doctoral Research Committee.
✓ International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine (ISAO2021).
✓ BoS member for curriculum design for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli.
✓ Certificate of Appreciation for securing Fourth Place at the College Level and First Place at the Department Level for Faculty Performance Appraisal of Faculty Members during the Academic Year 2014-15.
✓ Got Anna University 10th Rank all Over Tamilnadu (10/287) in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering (M.E) in the Year 2014.
Manufacturing of Bricks from Waste Pet Bottle Plastics - 201941031046/ The Patent Office Journal No. 33/2019 Dated on 16/08/2019 - India
Cost Effective Method for Making Cylindrical Components from Particulates - 202041001411 A/ The Patent Office Journal No. 04/2020 Dated on 24/01/2020 - India
Editorial Board Member & Journal Reviewer Details
Journal Reviewer
International Research Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
Elsevier, Netherlands
International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice,
Pusan National University, South Korea.
Journal of Natural Fibers, Taylor & Francis, USA.
Editorial Board Member
International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering, Malaysia.
Current Trends in Engineering Science (CTES), Corpus Publishers, USA.
Scineer Publishing Pte. Ltd, Centro Bianco, Singapore.
Executive Guest Editor
Bentham Science, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Journal Ambassador for India
Bentham Science, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Working Experience
2021- till date- PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli- 2 Years 3 Months
2016-2021-Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil- 4 Years 11 Months
2014-2016-M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur-2 Years
Research Areas & Research Scholar Details
Research Areas
Composite Materials, Natural Fiber, Nano Fluids, Mechanical Properties, Low Velocity Impact Testing, Polymer Matrix Composite, Metal Matrix Composites
Manufacturing Engineering, Cellular Manufacturing, Layout Optimization, Material Science and Engineering
Hybrid Polymer and Metal Matrix Composite Materials, Metal Cutting, Cryogenic Engineering
Research Scholar
S. Ida Blessy/ 231911061 - An Experimental Study on Mechanical and Fire Retardant characteristics of partial replacement of cement by adding Natural Polymeric Fillers - Doing Course Work
Anna University Recognized Supervisor Ref: No:4020010
For More Information Contact Research Consultancy & Guidance
Ph- 9566429885
Technical Skills
SOFTWARE LEARNED: Basic Design in Creo Elements/pro-5.0, ARENA Simulation Software, Auto desk Fusion 360, CLAD, Tecnomatix plant simulation, Tinker CAD, Cycle Tempo
COURSES LEARNED: Desktop Publishing, Non-destructive Testing (Level-2)
Project & Consultancy Activities
DST-SEED- Women Technological Park -Solar Food Drying Park for Enhancing the Livelihood of Women -Rs. 1.5 crore (Submitted)
Atal Incubation Mission (AIM) -Rs. 10 crore (Submitted)
MSME-Manufacturing of construction blocks from PET -Rs.15, 000 (Received)
DST-Start Up Nithi -Evolution of Indoor Farming with Aeroponics by Indoor Harvesting During All Seasons -Rs 10, 000 (Received)
Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education (Management Funding) -Automatic Blind cane by using advanced methods- Rs 10,000 (Received)
Industry Consultancy project Completed worth Rs.13.11 Lakhs
Books & Book Chapters
Book chapter-Advancements in AdditiveManufacturing- Elsevier, Netherlands
Book chapter- Dynamic Mechanical Behaviour of Hybrid Flax/basalt fiber Polymer Composites- Wiley, USA
Book chapter- Wood Polymer Composites-Recent Advancements and Applications -Springer Nature, Germany
Book chapter-Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites -Taylor & Francis, UK
Book chapter- Machining Studies of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Aluminium MetalMatrix Composites Using Abrasive Jet Machining-BenthamScience publishers, UAE
Book Chapter- Introduction to additive manufacturing, Evolutions in Additive Manufacturing Advances in additive manufacturing -Springer, Nature Press, Germany
Book Chapter- Recent trends in Green Manufacturing- UPM Press, Malaysia
Book Chapter- Materials for Lightweight Constructions - Taylor & Francis, UK
Book Chapter- Green Hybrid Composite in Engineering and Non-Engineering Applications-Springer, Nature Press, Germany
Book Chapter- Metal 3D Printing Process- Materials Research Forum, USA
Book Chapter- Wear and Surface Roughness of Additive Manufactured Materials and Composites -CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, UK
Book- Mechanical Performance Studies on Composites- Static and Dynamic Mechanical Performance Studies on Flax, Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polyester Hybrid Composites-Notion Press, India
Book Chapter- Optimization Techniques in Structural Design -Nova Publishers, USA
Book Chapter- Compressive Strength and Micro-structural characteristics of GGBS and Wood ash Based Geopolymer Concrete -Nova Publishers, USA
Book Chapter-Concepts, methods and Strategies for Zero Waste in Manufacturing-CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, UK
List of Journals / Conference Proceedings
1. K. Arunprasath , Sundarakannan , Lavish Kumar Singh , P. Amuthakkannan , V. Manikandan, SYNERGIC STUDY OF NATURAL/SYNTHETIC FIBER REINFORCED HYBRID COMPOSITES ON THEIR MECHANICAL BEHAVIORS, accepted, June 2023, Current Trends in Engineering Science.
2. Sundarakannan Rajendran, Geetha Palani, Arunprasath Kanagaraj, Vigneshwaran Shanmugam, Arumugaprabu Veerasimman, Szymon Gądek, Kinga Korniejenko, and Uthayakumar Marimuthu, METAL AND POLYMER BASED COMPOSITES MANUFACTURED USING ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING—A BRIEF REVIEW, Polymers (MDPI), June, Impact factor 5.0.
3. K.Arunprasath, S. Badrinath, RKA. Bhalaji, Koppaiah raj, Anish Nair, AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO MODELLING OF BARRIERS IN IMPLEMENTATION OF CELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS IN PRODUCTION INDUSTRIES, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer, , DOI : 10.1007/s13198-023-01941-0, May 2023. (Scopus Indexed).
4. K. Arunprasath, V. Manikandan, P. Amuthakkannan, MECHANICAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES EVALUATION OF NEEM GUM / ACACIA GUM EPOXY COMPOSITE, Research & Development in Material Science, Accepted, March 2023. (Scopus Indexed).
5. K.Arunprasath, Magharaja A S, M.Vijayakumar, INVESTIGATION OF AA7075 MMC REINFORCED BY AL0.5COCRAGNI HEAT THROUGH STIR CASTING AND CRYOROLLING, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Accepted, January 2023. (IF-2.0).
6. M. Vijayakumar, Prinson chandy, K. Arunprasath, INFLUENCE OF CRYO-MILLING ON METAL MATRIX INTERFACE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AA5154 – ZRC COMPOSITES, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Accepted, January 2023. (IF-2.0).
7. M. Vijayakumar, M. Dineshkumar, S.Karthikeyan, P.Yuvanarasimman, V. Ramkumar, R.Satheeshraja, K.Arunprasath, INVESTIGATION ON THE FLOW BEHAVIOR AND FORMABILITY OF AA5052 AT CRYOGENIC TEMPERATURES, AIP Conference Proceedings, Accepted, Dec 2022. (Scopus Indexed).
8. Kamesh Bodduru, Lavish Kumar Singh, K. Arunprasath, Bhaskar Chandra Kandpal, Nitin Johri, EFFECT OF MXENE REINFORCEMENT ON BENDING BEHAVIOR OF GLASS FIBER-EPOXY BASED LAMINATED COMPOSITES, Materials Today Proceeding, March 2023. (Scopus Indexed).
9. K. Arunprasath, P. Amuthakkannan, M. Vijayakumar, R. Sundarakannan, M. Selwin,
S. Kavitha, Lavish Kumar Singh, INVESTIGATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF AL7075/MICA POWDER HYBRID METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE FOR TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, Material Physics and Mechanics, March 2023. (Scopus, Russian Science Citation Index, and Web of Science Indexed).
10. K. Arunprasath, Muppudathi S, Manikandan V, Lenin Rakesh N, Paramasivan S and Mohemedsharifkhan P, STUDY OF TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AA6061-ZRO2 COMPOSITES UNDER WEAR CONDITIONS, AIP Conference Proceedings, Accepted, Oct 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
11. K. Arun Prasath, G. Murugan, P. Selvakumar, S. Thirumavalavan, S. Mareeswaran and V. Ram Kumar, STUDY OF MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND STRENGTHENING MECHANISM OF AA5154 DURING CRYOGENIC ROLLING, Materials Today Proceeding, February 2023. (Scopus Indexed).
12. K.Arun Prasath, A.S. Vikasah, P. Selva Kumar, N.Lenin Rakesh, Mohemedsharifkhan P and Mathan Paul, STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF CUTTING FACTORS ON SURFACE ROUGHNESS OF AA2128/B4C METAL MATRIX COMPOSITES BY USING CRYOGENIC COOLANT, Materials Today Proceeding, January 2023. (Scopus Indexed).
13. K. Arunprasath, Kakur Naresh, P. Amuthakkannan, V. Manikandan, S. Kavitha, STUDY OF LOW VELOCITY IMPACT FAILURE RESPONSES OF WOVEN BASALT FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES USING ULTRASONIC A, B AND C SCAN TECHNIQUES, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Taylor & Francis, September 2022. (Scopus Indexed & Web of Science).
14. Kamesh Bodduru, Bhaskar Chandra Kandpal, Lavish Kumar Singh and Arunprasath K, EFFECT OF MXENE REINFORCEMENT ON MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF GLASS FIBER-EPOXY COMPOSITES, AIP Conference Proceedings, August 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
15. M. Senthilkumar, M. Ramarao , S. Lakshmanan A.M.Shanawaz, K.Arunprasath, STUDY OF THE EFFECT ON FRICTION WELDED SURFACE ON COPPER ALUMINIUM JUNCTURE, Key Engineering Materials, June 2022 (Scopus Indexed)..
16. Kalirasu. S, Jessy Michla. J. Rb, Rajini. N, Arunprasath. K, Senthilkumar K, “DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF HAND OPERATED RE-BAR TYING MACHINE FOR PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION FIELD”, Materials Today Proceedings, May 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
17. P. Amuthakkannan, K. Arunprasath, V. Manikandan, Tabrej Khan, “ EFFECT OF STACKING SEQUENCE OF GLASS AND JUTE FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES ON THEIR LOW VELOCITY IMPACT PROPERTIES", Journal of Composite Materials, Sage, Impact factor 2.5, April, 2022.
18. K. Arunprasath, A.Thivagar, P.Mathan, P.Yuvanarasimman, “CRYOGENIC TURNING OF TITANIUM ALLOYS: MACHINABILITY CHARACTERISTICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES”, Materials Today Proceedings, May 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
19. K. Arunprasath, J. Sudhan, S. Kavitha, S. Paramasivan, M. Vijayakumar, “CRYOGENIC FORMING OF AA6065 by ECAP”, Materials Today Proceedings, May 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
20. M. Vijayakumar, A. M. Shanawaz, N. Prabhu, K. Arunprasath, C. Ramesh, Midhun mohan, “THE INFLUENCE OF CRYOGENIC TREATMENT ON TITANIUM ALLOYS MECHANICAL PROPERTIES”, Materials Today Proceedings, May 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
21. K. Arunprasath, M. Muthumalai, S. Kavitha, T. R. Vijayaram, “INVESTIGATION OF CRYOGENIC THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF AA7115 SUBJECTED TO VARIOUS HEAT TREATMENTS”, Vol no. 935, Page no. 115-124, Key Engineering Materials, June, 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
22. S.Muthukumaran, M.Ramarao, S.Shanmugasundaram, Lavish kumar singh, Amol L Mangrulkar, K. Arunprasath, “PARAMETRIC EFFECT AND TAGUCHI OPTIMIZATION OF CRYOGENIC TREATMENT OF STRENX STEEL”, Materials Today Proceedings, May 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
23. K. Arunprasath, A.Vineesh pandiyan, R. Nekin Joshua, M. Vijayakumar, V. Manikandan, “INVESTIGATION ON FUSION OF BORON NITRIDE REINFORCED ALUMINIUM COMPOSITE POWER BY CRYOGENIC MILLING AT LOW TEMPERATURE”, Materials Today Proceedings, May 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
24. V. Manikandan, K. Mariselvam , R. Nekin Joshua, C. Ramesh, K. Arunprasath, “STUDY ON PROCESS PARAMETERS OF TUNGSTEN INERT GAS WELDED ALUMINIUM ALLOY 5086 THROUGH MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS”, Materials Today Proceedings, May 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
25. R. Sundarakannan, V. Arumugaprabu, V. Manikandan, K. Arunprasath, S. Vigneshwaran, K. Naresh , ”EFFECT OF POLYETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE CHAR ON IMPACT AND EROSION PROPERTIES OF POLYESTER MATRIX COMPOSITES”, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, March 2022 (Scopus and Web of Science).
26. V. Arumugaprabu, K. Arunprasath, V. Manikandan, Naresh Kakur, S. Ilangovan, D. Chinnappareddy Naveen, THERMAL PERFORMANCE AND FIRE RESISTANCE STUDIES ON FILLER BASED NATURAL FIBER POLYMER COMPOSITES-A REVIEW, Encyclopedia of Materials: Plastics and Polymers, Elsevier, Vol. 3, page no.717-723, Jan 2022.
27. I. Rajkumar, N. Rajini, Anish Nair, K. Arun Prasath, M. Ramaganesh, G. Kharrthikeyan, OPTIMIZATION OF MULTI GATING SYSTEM FOR THE EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION INFLOW PARAMETERS WITH EFFECTS OF DESIGN IN SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES, Materials Today Proceedings, 2022 (Scopus Indexed).
28. P. Amuthakkannan, V. Manikandan, M. Uthayakumar, K. ArunPrasath, S. Sureshkumar, INVESTIGATION ON MACHINING PERFORMANCE OF BASALT FIBER COMPOSITES BY ABRASIVE WATER JET MACHINING, Materials Physcics and Mechanics, 47(2021), 830-842. (Scopus, Russian Science Citation Index, and Web of Science Indexed).
29. K. Arunprasath, P. Amuthakkannan, V. Manikandan, S. Kavitha, B. Radhkrishnan, STUDY OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF COPPER SLAG REINFORCED PARTICULATE POLYMER COMPOSITE, Materials Physics and Mechanics, 47 (2021), 896-904. (Scopus, Russian Science Citation Index, and Web of Science Indexed).
30. SB Sollapur, SB Anjappa, C Malla, MS Prasad, S Vignesh, K Arunprasath, “ TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF FILLER AND GREEN FILLER REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES” , Materials Today Proceedings, 2021 (Scopus Indexed).
31. M Vijayakumar, AC Ravi, P Selvakuamar, S Paramasivan, K Arunprasath, “ STUDY OF MOLECULAR LEVEL BEHAVIOUR OF SEMICONDUCTOR COMPOSITES THROUGH QUANTUM MECHANICS”, Materials Today Proceedings, 2021 (Scopus Indexed).
32. K. Arunprasath, V. Manikandan, P. Amuthakkannan, M. Selwin, M. Vijayakumar, “DYNAMIC MECHANICAL ANALYSIS PERFORMANCE OF PURE 3D PRINTED POLYLACTIC ACID (PLA) AND ACRYLONITRILE BUTADIENE STYRENE (ABS), Materials Today Proceedings, 2021 (Scopus Indexed).
33. K. Arunprasath, V. Manikandan, P. Amuthakkannan, B. Radhakrishnan, “LOW-VELOCITY IMPACT BEHAVIOUR OF 3D PRINTING TECHNIQUES USING FIBER REINFORCEMENT POLYMER COMPOSITES: A STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW”, Journal of Thin Films, Coating Science Technology and Applications, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2021(Scopus Indexed).
34. Mathan Kumar P; Paramasivam V, Mathalai Sundaram C, K. ArunPrasath “INVESTIGATE THE CHARACTERIZATION AND SYNTHESIS PROCESS OF TITANIUM DIOXIDE NANOPARTICLES”, Materials Today Proceedings, 2021 (Scopus Indexed).
35. M. Manojkumar, M. Vijayakumar, K. Arunprasath, “THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF A DOUBLE-GLAZED WINDOW INTEGRATED WITH A PHASE CHANGE MATERIAL (PCM)”, Materials Today Proceedings, 2021 (Scopus Indexed).
36. K. ArunPrasath, V. Arumugaprabu, P. Amuthakkannan, V.Manikandan , R. Deepak Joel Johnson, S. Vigneshwaran, M. Selwin, “A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON GLASS FIBER OPTIMIZED FLAX FIBER REINFORCED HYBRID POLYESTER COMPOSITES”, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Volume-50, Issue-04, 2021(Scopus Indexed).
37. K.ArunPrasath, K. Manojparbhakar, R. Udhayakumar, K. Rahul Balaji, with “ ROLE OF DETERMINISTIC MODEL IN DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT STATE OF THE ART REVIEW”, International on Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering and Research. 2021 (Scopus Indexed).
38. K.ArunPrasath, V. Arumugaprabu, P. Amuthakkannan, K. Naresh, M.S. Muthugopal, M. Jeganathan, R. Pragadeesh,“ QUASI STATIC AND FLEXURAL MECHANICAL PROPERTY EVALUATION OF BASALT/FLAX REINFORCED COMPOSITESMATERIAL PHYSICS AND MATERIALS”, Material Physics and Mechanics , 2020, (Scopus, Russian Science Citation Index, and Web of Science Indexed).
39. V. Arumugaprabu, K.ArunPrasath, S. Mangaleswaran, M. Manikanda Raja and R. Jegan, “MECHANICAL PROPERTY STUDIES ON FLAX FIBER REINFORCED BASALT POWDER FILLED POLYESTER COMPOSITE”, Current Material Science , Volume-13,2020, (Scopus Indexed).
41. S.Vigneshwaran, R.Sundarakannan, K.M.John, R. Deepak Joel Johnson,K. ArunPrasath, S.Ajith, V.Arumugaprabu, M.Uthayakumar, JOURNAL OF CLEANER AND PRODUCTION, Volume 277, Issue 20, 2020, “RECENT ADVANCEMENT IN THE NATURAL FIBER POLYMER COMPOSITES: A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW”. (Impact Factor-7.24)
43. V.Dineshkumar, K.Arunprasath,Berhanu Abdhamu, International Journal Of Innovative Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2019 ,”OPTIMIZATION OF INTER AND INTRA-CELL LAYOUT INCELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS USING SIMULATED SOFTWARES”. (Scopus Indexed)
44. K.ArunPrasath, V.Arumug prabu, P.Amuthakkannan, V,Manikandan, Key Engineering Materials, ”FIBRE WEIGHT AND FIBRE LENGTH OPTIMIZATION OF SHORT FLAX FIBRE REINFORCED POLYESTER COMPOSITES USING ROBUST DESIGN ANALYSIS”.2019 (Scopus Indexed-accepted)
45. K.ArunPrasath, V.Arumug prabu, P.Amuthakkannan, V,Manikandan, International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2019 “PERFORMANCE STUDIES ON FLAX FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES – AN EFFECT ON FIBER ORIENTATION”.2019 (Scopus Indexed)
46. K.ArunPrasath, V.Arumugprabu, P.Amuthakkannan, V,Manikandan, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering , Volume 8, Issue 4, 2019,”MECHANICAL PROPERTY EVALUATION OF TAILOR MADE FLAX/GLASS FIBER REINFORCED HYBRID POLYESTER COMPOSITE”.2019 (Scopus Indexed)
47. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,V.ManikandanV.Arumugaprabu, Journal of Current Issues on Material Science, Volume 3, Issue 3, ,”SUSTAINABLE UTILIZATION OF FLAX FIBER POLYMER COMPOSITES-A REVIEW”. 2019 (Scopus Indexed)
48. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,V.ManikandanV.Arumugaprabu,”Material Research Express, Volume 6, Number 11, 2019, ”LOW VELOCITY IMPACT AND COMPRESSION AFTER IMPACT DAMAGE RESPONSES ON FLAX/BASALT FIBER HYBRID COMPOSITES”.(Impact Factor-1.4)
49. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,V.ManikandanV.Arumugaprabu,R.DeepakJoel Johnson, R.Jegadeesan, International Journal of Polymer Science & Engineering with ISSN: 2455-8745 published in Feb 2019 vol.4 and issue.2,”TENSILE, FLEXURAL AND IMPACT PROPERTIES OF LUFFA CYLINDRICA AND PINEAPPLE REINFORCED POLYMER MATRIX HYBRID COMPOSITE”.(Scopus Indexed)
50. K.ArunPrasath, P.Amuthakkannan,V.Manikandan,R.Jegadeesan,M.Selwin,”American Institute of Physics AIP Conference Proceedings, March 2019,"A NOVEL TOPOLOGICAL APPROACH IN MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BASALT/FLAX HYBRID COMPOSITES".(Scopus Indexed)
51. R. Deepak Joel Johnson, V. Arumugaprabu, P. Amuthakkannan, K. ArunPrasath, Journal of Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, published in October 16 2017,’A REVIEW ON BIOCOMPOSITES AND BIORESIN BASED COMPOSITES FOR POTENTIAL INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS.(Impact Factor-1.8)
52. R.Deepak Joel Johnson, K.ArunPrasath ,Journal of Applied Science and Research ISSN: 1819-544XEISSN: 1816-157X Received 3 October 2015 Accepted 28 November 201511(22):pages 56-59. Published Online 12 December 2015,’ COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DRY TURNING AND TURNING WITH DIFFERENT COMPOSITION OF LUBRICATION OIL IN HARDEND OHNS STEEL MATERIALS’. (Scopus Indexed)
53. K.ArunPrasath, Deepak Joel Johnson ,Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences ISSN:1991-8178 Received 3 October 2015 Accepted 31 October 2015 9(33) October 2015,Page no: 180-184,’FUNDAMENTAL APPROACH ON LAYOUT OPTIMIZATION USING GRAPH THEORY IN CELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS’. (Scopus Indexed)
54. K.ArunPrasath, Deepak Joel Johnson , International Journal of Applied Engineering Research and Development (IJAERD); ISSN (ONLINE): 2278-9383; ISSN (PRINT): 2250-1584; IMPACT FACTOR(JCC) (2015): 2.0653; INDEX COPERNICUS VALUE (ICV) - (2015): 3.0;VOL - 5, ISSUE - 4; EDITION: DEC2015,’SCRUTINY OF MACHINE ASSIGNMENT IN VARIOUS INTRA-CELL LAYOUT IN CELLULAR MANUFACTURING USING AUTOMATION STUDIOS’.(Scopus Indexed)
55. R.Deepak Joel Johnson, K.ArunPrasath ,Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering e-ISSN: 2278- 1684p- ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 12, Issue 5 Ver. V (Sep. -Oct. 2015), PP 58-62 in the title of ‘INVESTIGATION OF FLANK WEAR ON MINIMAL CUTTING FLUID APPLICATION DURING TURNING OF OHNS STEEL’. (Scopus Indexed)
56. K.ArunPrasath, Deepak Joel Johnson ,International Research Journal of Engineering And Technology (IRJET) Volume: 02 Issue: 06 | Sep-2015 in the title of ‘CONCEPT OF GROUP TECHNOLOGY ACCOMPLISHMENT IN THE FIELD OF CELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS’.(Scopus Indexed)
57. K.ArunPrasath, Anbarasan, SuriyaPradeep, Sivamani, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 19 (2015) © Research India Publications ::: http://www.ripublication.com in the title of ‘OPTIMIZATION OF LAYOUT UNDER DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT IN CELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS’. (Scopus Indexed)
58. K.ArunPrasath, Deepak Joel Johnson, “International Journal of Applied Engineering Research”ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 19 (2015) © Research India Publications :::http://www.ripublication.comin the title of‘ LAYOUT OPTIMIZATION BY SOLVING CELL FORMATION PROBLEM IN PISTON RING MANUFACTURING PROCESS INDUSTRY’. (Scopus Indexed)
59. R. Deepak Joel Johnson, K. ArunPrasath ,“International Journal of Applied Engineering Research(IJAER)”,ISSN 0973- Volume No 10,Number 13(2015), in the title of ‘OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESS PARAMETER DURING MICRO DRILLING OF STAINLESS STEEL 304 USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY’. (Scopus Indexed)
60. Dr.V.Anbumalar,R.Mayandy,K.ArunPrasath,M.RajaChandraSekar,“International Journal of Innovative Research In Advanced Engineering”(IJIRAE), ISSN: 2349-2163 Volume 1 Issue 6 (July 2014)”,in the title of IMPLEMENTATION AND SELECTION OF OPTIMUM LAYOUT DESIGN IN CELLULAR. (Scopus Indexed).
61. Dr.V.Anbumalar, R.Mayandy, K.ArunPrasath, M.Raja Chandra Sekar,“ International Journal of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology” (IJIRSET), ISSN online-2319-8753, Print-2347-6710,Volume 3,Special issue 3,March 2014 in the title of IMPLEMENTATION OF CELLULAR MANUFACTURING IN PROCESS INDUSTRY –A CASE STUDY. (Scopus Indexed).
62. K.ArunPrasath, B.Radhakrishnan, “International Journal of Mechanical Engineering And Robotics Research” (IJMERR);ISSN 2278 – 0149 Vol. 2, No. 4, October 2013,MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WOVEN FABRIC BASALT/JUTE FIBRE REINFORCED POLYMER HYBRID COMPOSITES. (Scopus Indexed).
63. K.ArunPrasath, B.Radhakrishnan,“ International Journal of Business Management & Research(IJBMR); ISSN (Print):2249-6920; ISSN (Online):2249-8036; Volume: 3; Issue: 2;Impact Factor (JCC): 4.8712”.In the title of ‘SIX SIGMA CONCEPT AND DMAIC IMPLEMENTATION’.
64. B. Radhakrishnan, K.ArunPrasath,“International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Technology(IJIET); ISSN (Print):2277- 4769; ISSN (Online):2278-9456; Volume: 3; Issue: 2; Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3729”.In the title of ‘UTILIZATION OF NATURAL ENERGY’.
Incubation & Startups
Incubation Manager, PSNTEC Business Incubator Federation, A non-profitable Section 8 Company
Mentor for 10 startup companies, Under his valuable guidance Students won a worth of Rs.33 lakhs grant in MSME 2.0
Co-founder of Junkoo Tech Pvt. Ltd., a startup company working for recycling and shredding of plastics
Co-founder of En-Gen Eco Care Pvt. Ltd., a startup company working for the recycling of environmental plastics
List of Paper presented in Conference
1. K. Arunprasath, Muppudathi S, Manikandan V, Lenin Rakesh N, Paramasivan S and Mohemedsharifkhan P, STUDY OF TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AA6061-ZRO2 COMPOSITES UNDER WEAR CONDITIONS, Second International Conference on Mechanical, Material and Manufacturing Technology (ICE3MT 2022), 28-29 Oct, 2022, Hyderabad.
2. K. Arun Prasath, G. Murugan, P. Selvakumar, S. Thirumavalavan, S. Mareeswaran and V. Ram Kumar, STUDY OF MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND STRENGTHENING MECHANISM OF AA5154 DURING CRYOGENIC ROLLING, Second International Conference on Mechanical, Material and Manufacturing Technology (ICE3MT 2022), 28-29 Oct, 2022, Hyderabad.
3. K.Arun Prasath, A.S. Vikasah, P. Selva Kumar, N.Lenin Rakesh, Mohemedsharifkhan P and Mathan Paul, STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF CUTTING FACTORS ON SURFACE ROUGHNESS OF AA2128/B4C METAL MATRIX COMPOSITES BY USING CRYOGENIC COOLANT, Second International Conference on Mechanical, Material and Manufacturing Technology (ICE3MT 2022), 28-29 Oct, 2022, Hyderabad.
4. Kamesh Bodduru, Bhaskar Chandra Kandpal, Lavish Kumar Singh and Arunprasath K, EFFECT OF MXENE REINFORCEMENT ON BENDING BEHAVIOR OF GLASS FIBER-EPOXY LAMINATED COMPOSITES, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, IITRAM Ahmedabad and IIT Bhilai, Dec 2022.
5. Mathew Francis, M. Vijayakumar, K. Arunprasath, M. Vignesh kumar, AUTOMATIC DIGESTER DOOR OPERATING SYSTEM, Proceeding of IVCCE, March, 2022.
6. A.S. Vikash, K. Arunprasath, M. Vijayakumar, M. Vignesh kumar, INVESTIGATION OF THERMO PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF GRAPHITE BASED NANOFLUIDS, Proceeding of IVCCE, March, 2022.
7. K. Arunprasath, P. Selvakumar, M. Vijayakuamar, AS, Maharaj “ Investigation of Cryogenic thermal conductivity of AA7115 subjected to various heat treatments”, INVESTIGATION OF CRYOGENIC THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF AA7115 SUBJECTED TO VARIOUS HEAT TREATMENTS, INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING, March, 2022.
8. I. Rajkumar, N, Rajini, K. Arunprasath , M. Ramaganesh, Anish Nair, G. R. Kharthikeyan, OPTIMIZATION OF MULTI GATING SYSTEM FOR THE EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION IN FLOW PARAMETERS WITH EFFECTS OF DESIGN IN SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES, ”Third International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (ICRAMM 2021), December 2021.
9. K. Arunprasath, S. Paramasivan, P. Mathan, V. Manikandan, N. Gnanakumar, “STUDY OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF COPPER SLAG REINFORCED EPOXY COMPOSITE”, International Conference on" Advanced Materials Processing “(ICAMP21), December 2021.
10. K. Arunprasath, M. Vijayakumar, R.Nekin Joshua, P. Mohammed Sharif Khan, “REVIEW ON ANALYSIS OF STABILITY PERFORMANCE OF 4D MANUFACTURING USING FUSION DEPOSITION MODELLING (FDM)”, International Conference on" Advanced Materials Processing " (ICAMP21), December 2021.
11. K. Arunprasath, V. Manikandan, P. Amuthakkannan, M. Selwin, M. Vijayakumar, “DYNAMIC MECHANICAL ANALYSIS PERFORMANCE OF PURE 3D PRINTED POLYLACTIC ACID (PLA) AND ACRYLONITRILE BUTADIENE STYRENE (ABS), International Conference on Functional Materials, Manufacturing and Performance, 17 & 18 September 2021.
12. K.ArunPrasath, K. Manojparbhakar, R. Udhayakumar, K. Rahul Balaji, with “ ROLE OF DETERMINISTIC MODEL IN DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT STATE OF THE ART REVIEW” International Conference on New Scientific Creation in Engineering and Technology , March 2021.
13. K.ArunPrasath, V.Arumug prabu, P.Amuthakkannan, V,Manikandan, Attended and Presented a paper entitled with “APPLICATION OF FLAX FIBER REINFORCED POLYPROPYLENE COMPOSITES MANUFACTURED FOR REAL TIME ECO-FRIENDLY TAILORED PRODUCT”, Virtual International Conference on Innovations in Interdisciplinary Research, June 2020.
14. K.ArunPrasath, V.Arumug prabu, P.Amuthakkannan, V,Manikandan, Attended and Presented a paper entitled with “MECHANICAL PROPERTY EVALUATION OF TAILOR MADE FLAX/GLASS FIBER REINFORCED HYBRID POLYESTER COMPOSITE”in Kalasalingam Global Conference, Dec 2019.
15. K.ArunPrasath, V.Arumug prabu, P.Amuthakkannan, V,ManikandanAttended and Presented a paper entitled with“PERFORMANCE STUDIES ON FLAX FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES – AN EFFECT ON FIBER ORIENTATION”in Kalasalingam Global Conference, Dec 2019.
16. K.ArunPrasath, V.Arumug prabu, P.Amuthakkannan, V,ManikandanAttended and Presented a paper entitled with ”FIBRE WEIGHT AND FIBRE LENGTH OPTIMIZATION OF SHORT FLAX FIBRE REINFORCED POLYESTER COMPOSITES USING ROBUST DESIGN ANALYSIS”in Kalasalingam Global Conference, Dec 2019.
17. V.Dineshkumar,K.Arunprasath,Berhanu Abdhamu,Attended and Presented a paper entitled with,”OPTIMIZATION OF INTER AND INTRA-CELL LAYOUT INCELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS USING SIMULATED SOFTWARES”in Kalasalingam Global Conference, Dec 2019.
18. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,V.Manikandan,R.Jegadeesan,M.Selwin,Attended and Presented paper entitled with "A NOVEL TOPOLOGICAL APPROACH IN MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BASALT/FLAX HYBRID COMPOSITES" in International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Machining (ICMMM 2019),Bannari Amman Institute of Technology ,Sathyamangalam on 08.03.2019.
19. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,R.Pandiarajan,M.Murugan,A.Selvaprakash, Attended and Presented paper entitled with “TENSION AND BENDING DYNAMIC MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF FLAX/GLASS AND FLAX/BASALT FIBER POLYESTER COMPOSITES” in International Conference on Advanced Eco-System, NIT-Trichy on 08.12.18.
20. K.Arun Prasath,P.Amuthakkannan,V.Manikandan,V.Arumugaprabu,Attended and Presented paper entitled with “DAMAGE ANALYSIS USING B, C SCAN OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF LOW VELOCITY IMPACT ON LAYERED BASALT FIBER LAMINATES”in International Conference on Surface Engineering (INCOSURF-18) Indian Institute of Science IISc ,Bangalore on 11.08.18.
21. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,V.Manikandan,R.Jegadeesan,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘EVALUATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLAX/GLASS FIBER REINFORCED HYBRID POLYMER COMPOSITE’ International Conference on Surface Engineering (INCOSURF-2018)10.08.18 IISc Banglore.
22. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,V.Arumugaprabu,R.Jegadeesan,R.DeepakJoel Johnson, Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘OPTIMIZATION OF FIBRE WEIGHT AND FIBRE LENGTH FOR FABRICATION OF SHORT FLAX FIBRE REINFORCED POLYESTER COMPOSITES USING ROBUST DESIGN ANALYSIS’International Conference on Contemporary Design and Analysis of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Systems(CDMIES 18) Jan 18 NIT-Trichy.
23. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,V.Arumugaprabu,R.DeepakJoel Johnson, Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘TENSILE, FLEXURAL AND IMPACT PROPERTIES OF LUFFA CYLINDRICA AND PINE APPLE FIBER’Second International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Technology (ICAMST-2017) Oct 9 VIT-University Vellore.
24. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,V.Arumugaprabu,R.DeepakJoel Johnson ,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘INVESTIGATION ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF LUFFA CYLINDRICA AND PINEAPPLE REINFORCED POLYMER MATRIX HYBRID COMPOSITE’ International Conference on Signal Processing, Control and Data Analytics (ICSCD-16) San Diego,USA 27-28 Aug Virtual Conference.
25. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,V.Arumugaprabu,R.DeepakJoel Johnson ,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘MECHANICALPROPERTY EVALUATION OF LUFFA CYLINDRICAAND PINEAPPLE A NATURALFIBREREINFORCEDPOLYMERMATRIX COMPOSITEMATERIALS’International Conference on Futuristic Innovations in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Management( ICFIMEMM - 2016 ) 30&31 March at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur.
26. K.ArunPrasath , R.DeepakJoel Johnson ,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of‘FUNDAMENTAL APPROACH ON LAYOUT OPTIMIZATION USING GRAPH THEORY IN CELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS’In First International Conference on Advances inScience,Management and Engineering(ICASME 15) 26 Dec at Chennai.
27. R.DeepakJoel Johnson, K.ArunPrasath ,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of‘COMPARATIVER STUDY OF DRY TURNING AND TURNING WITH DIFFERENT COMPOSITION OF LUBRICATION OIL IN HARDEND OHNS STEEL MATERIALS ’In First International Conference on Advances inScience,Management and Engineering(ICASME 15) 26 Dec at Chennai.
28. K.ArunPrasath , R.Deepak Joel Johnson ,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of‘OPTIMIZATION OF SINGLE ROW INTER AND INTRA-CELL LAYOUT IN CELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEM USING IMITATION SOFTWARE’.In International Conference on Advances In Bio-Technology (ICABCMS-15) at Selvam College of Engineering and Technology Namakkal.
29. R.Deepak Joel Johnson, K.ArunPrasath ,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of‘OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESS PARAMETER DURING MICRO DRILLING OF STAINLESS STEEL304 USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY’. In International Conference on Advances In Bio-Technology (ICABCMS-15) at Selvam College of Engineering and Technology Namakkal.
30. K.ArunPrasath , R.Deepak Joel Johnson ,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘LAYOUT OPTIMIZATION BY SOLVING CELL FORMATION PROBLEM IN PISTON RING MANUFACTURING PROCESS INDUSTRY’.In First International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Sustainable Development (ICADETSD 15) at Karpagam College of Engineering Coimbatore.
31. K.ArunPrasath , R.Deepak Joel Johnson ,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘OPTIMIZATION OF LAYOUT UNDER DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT IN CELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS’. In First International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Sustainable Development (ICADETSD 15) at Karpagam College of Engineering Coimbatore.
32. K.ArunPrasath , R.Deepak Joel Johnson ,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘CONCEPT OF GROUP TECHNOLOGY ACCOMPLISHED IN THE FIELD OF CELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS’. InInternational Conference on Advances in Design and Manufacturing (ICADM 14)at NIT-Trichy.
33. K.ArunPrasath , R.Deepak Joel Johnson ,C.Ramesh,Raghul raj,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘SCRUNITY OF MACHINE ASSIGNMENT IN VARIOUS INTRA-CELL LAYOUT IN CELLULAR MANUFACTURING USING AUTOMATION STUDIOS’. In International Conference on Advances in Design and Manufacturing (ICADM 14)at NIT-Trichy.
34. K.ArunPrasath, V.Anbumalar, B.Radhakrishanan, Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION OF SINGLE ROW INTRA-CELL LAYOUT IN CELLULAR MANUFACTURING SYSTEM USING ARENA’, inInternational Conference On Business Analytics And Intelligence(IIM-BANGLORE).
35. K.ArunPrasath, V.Anbumalar, B.Radhakrishanan, Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of‘ANALYSIS OF MACHINE ASSIGNMENT IN VARIOUS SINGLE ROW INTRA-CELL LAYOUT IN CELLULAR MANUFACTURING’, in International Conference In Advanced In Industrial Engineering Applications( ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI).
36. K.ArunPrasath, V.Anbumalar, B.Radhakrishanan, Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of‘IMPLEMENTATION OF CELLULAR MANUFACTURING IN PROCESS INDUSTRY- A CASE STUDY’, in 2014 IEEE International Conference on
37. K.ArunPrasath, V.Anbumalar, B.Radhakrishanan, Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET’14)at KLN College of Engineering Madurai.
38. K.ArunPrasath, V.Anbumalar, B.Radhakrishanan, Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WOVEN FABRIC BASALT/JUTE FIBRE REINFORCED POLYMER HYBRID COMPOSITES’.First International Conference in Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET 2013).
39. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,G.T.Dhiliban,S.R.Balaji,AttendedInternational Conference in ‘THERMAL ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT’ Kalasalingam University.
40. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan,G.T.Dhiliban,S.R.Balaji,Attended International Conference and Paper Presented in the title of ‘EFFECT OF HYBRIDIZATION AND STACKING SEQUENCE ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BASALT/JUTE FIBRE COMPOSITES’.At BASELIOS MATHEWS II COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Kollam Kerala.
41. K.ArunPrasath, B.Radhakrishanan ,Attended National Conference and presented paper in the title of ‘WASTE TOENERGY’ on RAME 2013 Organized by P.S.R Engineering College Sivakasi.
42. B.Radhakrishanan ,K.ArunPrasath ,Attended National Conference and presented paper in the title of ‘SIX SIGMA’ on RAMM 2013 Organized by Velammal Engineering College and Technology Madurai.
43. K.ArunPrasath, V.Anbumalar, B.Radhakrishanan ,Attended National Conference and presented paper in the title of‘STUDY ON CELLULAR MANUFACTURING AND CELL DESIGN’on Green Materials Manufacturing Technology and Applications GMMTA 2014 Organized by Velammal College of Engineering and Technology Madurai.
44. K.ArunPrasath,P.Amuthakkannan, Attended National Conference and presented paper in the title of ‘REVIEW ON FLAX FIBER AND ITS APPLIACTIONS’,Emerging Technologies in design and Manufacturing ETDM 2017 Organized by Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education.
Event Organization & Co-ordination
Events under the PSNCET Business Innovation and Incubation Centre and Intuitions Innovation Council.
Coordinator for Industrial Lecture on ‘Students Road Rules and Safety Driving‘at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education Krishnankoil 27.09.2019.
Coordinator for National Level Workshop on ‘Distillation and Industrial Ergonomics’ at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education Krishnankoil 29.09.2018
Coordinator for National Level Workshop on ‘Entrepreneurship Cum New Product Development’at Kalasalingam University Krishnankoil 09.09.2017.
Co-coordinator for Synthesis of Composite materials by Stir casting and its Tribological Testing-Hands on Training a National Level Workshop held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur 10.02.2016.
Co-ordinator for ROBOGAMES a National Technical Event Sponsored by Technopilia University USA Prelims held at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur.
Co-coordinator for ISOMETIX 2014 a National Level Technical Symposium at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur.
Professional Body Membership
Active Life time Member in Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)with the Number: LM 113875.
Active Member in International Association of Engineers (IAENG) the membership number is: 146020.
Active and Associate Member in Universal Association of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers (UAMAE) membership ID is: AM10100054446.
Active Life time member in International Society for Research and Development (ISRD) with the ID: M4150901727.
Active Life time member in American Society for Testing of Materials (ASTM)with the ID:2035244.
Active Life time member in International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) with the ID:914291914106.
Active Life time member International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA), ITEEA Professional Member (Technology and Engineering Teacher journal).
Active Life time member in Bio-leagues, A worldwide research community with professional membership PM01465793.
Roles & Responsibilities
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Coordinator for the College
Incubation Manager for PSNTEC Business Incubator Federation.
College SPOC for Indian Innovation Council (IIC) and Naan Mudhalvan.
Centre Head of PSNCET Business Innovation and Incubation Centre.
MSME Business Incubator In charge
NAAC Criterion 7 in charge (3.47/4) during the third cycle of NAAC visit at PSNCET.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Program Officer for School of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (SAME).
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Program Coordinator for Mechanical Department.
Working Experience in NBA Tier-I Accreditation Process in Criteria III (Outcomes Based Assessment) &Criteria V (Faculty Participation).
Working Experience in ABET Accreditation Process.
Working Experience in NAAC Accreditation Process.
Placement In-charge for final year Mechanical Engineering in the academic year 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.
Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities
Attended one day FDP in the Topic of Composite Materials Invention and its Application in the Field of Defense Research Sponsored by DRDO Presentation given by Dr.S.S.Krishna Kumar Scientist DRDO at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur.
Attended one day FDP in the Topic of Councelling Trainning at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur.
Attended one day FDP in the Topic of Pedogogy of Excellence Teaching at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur.
Attended one day FDP in the Topic of How to Write a Book at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur.
Attended one day FDP in theTopic of Research Training and Paper Publishing at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur.
Attended Two Days National level Workshop on Nano Technology at M.Kumarasamy College of EngineeringKarur.
Attended Two Days Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Teaching Pedagogy Excellence at M.Kumarasamy College of EngineeringKarur.
Event Organizer and Committee member for Three days National Level Workshop AMALTHEA 2014 Prelims round organized by (IIT-Gandhinagar) at M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur.
Active member of ISTE student’s chapter.
Attended personality development programme conducted by Ma Foi and Smart management consultancy ltd.
Attended workshop on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing methods in NIT-Trichy.
Attended Workshop on Automation and Engine Design in NIT-Calicut.
Attended Workshop on Recent Trends in Composite Materials And its Application. In K.L.N College of Engineering and Technology.
Attended Thirteen days FDP and Worshop in theTopic of Processing And Characterization of Composite Materials at Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology Pollachi.
Attended one day workshop on Make in India-Research to Reality in Anna University Chennai.
Attended one day workshop on Nano Characterization in Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI) Banglore.
student in charge and organizer of the international conference INCOTEE’11
Winner of volley ball and basket ball in school and college levels.
Member of National service scheme (NSS).
Attended workshops on aero modeling and supply chain management.
Attended the program on recent developments in manufacturing/fabrication.
Attended the program on energy management and future development.
Attended guest lectures on environment for engineers and tomorrows entrepreneurs.
Attended workshop on chemical graph theory sponsored by DRDO.
Attended workshop on Human Dynamics in National Level technical Symposium at Kalasalingam University.
Academic Linkages
Scopus ID-https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57194618420
Clarivate Web of Science ID- Q-7953-2016
Vidwan Researcher ID - 407833 https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/407833
Orcid ID- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9078-3808
Google Scholar - https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=tcgylp0AAAAJ&hl=en
Thomson Reuters Researcher ID - Rid59208