Weekly Newsletter


Achieving excellence for ourselves and others.

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday 8th October

Thursday 10th October

Friday 11th October

Monday 14th October

Thursday 17th October

Week commencing 21st October 

Wednesday 23rd October

Thursday 24th October

Friday 25th October

Term 2

5th & 7th November Parent & Teacher Consultation Meetings

Message from Mrs Noall

Thank you to all the Key Stage 2 parents who joined us for Harvest this afternoon. We  look forward to celebrating Harvest with the rest of the school later this week. Thank you in advance for your generous donations to The Nest Project.

Last week our Year 6 pupils had a brilliant time on their residential at Grittleton House. I would like to thank all the adults who accompanied them on this trip. Taking 60 children away for a week is exhausting and rewarding in equal measure - the staff are never off-duty, often staying up very late with children who cannot sleep before then returning to their own rooms to post photos of the day on FB for parents (a task which can only be done once the children are asleep and when there is good enough wifi so we are all very grateful). I know that the children had an absolutely brilliant time, pushing themselves out of their comfort zone and really living out our school CARE values. I am excited for the year ahead with this cohort - I am sure that last week will have taught you many skills you can now apply back at school. Very well done!

News and Events

Charity Cake Sale: THIS Friday

On Friday after school Mrs Dallimore and Mrs Dando are organising a charity cake sale. In previous years Mrs Roughan has organised a MacMillan Coffee Morning so in her absence we have decided to organise a cake sale where proceeds will be split between MacMillan and a charity of Mrs Roughan's choice. Please pop into the hall after school to buy a cake in support. If anyone is able to send in a bake in support then we would be very grateful.

Pupil Voice Applications

In assembly this morning the children were taught about democracy and how we will apply this to our Pupil Voice team recruitment. If your child is keen to put themselves forward to be a rep for their class, they will need to write a short speech about why they want to be the Pupil Voice representative for their class and explain why they would be a good choice. Voting will take place on Friday.

Become a school governor

The Trust are currently looking to recruit more governors and there are several vacancies across the Trust. 

Attendance Matters

Our whole school average attendance at the end of September was 97.1% - well done everyone! A shout out to Year 2 who were flying high at 99%.

I have been very impressed with the noticeable improvement in children being ready to go into class when school starts at 8:30am - great job everyone.


Home learning

All children will have some form of home learning to complete each week. For all children this includes reading at home, aiming for 5 times a week. We use Doodle Maths for maths home learning - every child has a log in so that they can access this from home. Depending on the year group, children will then have additional home learning such as learning spellings or Times Table Rockstars. You can find out the details of this on your child's year group web page. 

The classes who collectively complete the most home learning are celebrated in weekly assemblies because this home learning is so important in complimenting the learning they complete at school. We have noticed some classes are consistently winning the home learning trophies which means some children in other classes may  not be completing enough home learning - please talk to your child (and their teacher) about what they should be doing at home so that they can keep up with their learning.

Going home arrangements

Please ensure that you let the school office know if someone different is collecting your child at the end of the day. This way the teacher can be certain that they are releasing children to the correct grown-up. Please never be tempted to offer to take a child to their parent who may be standing further away from the door. Whilst we are sure you are trying to be helpful this has led to some confusion and worry in the past week. Parents - please try to stand as close as possible to your child's classroom door so that the teacher can see you.

EYFS Updates


Third Challenge - learn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive off by heart


Counting songs (e.g “Five Currant Buns”) help to develop a familiarity with number sounds and words in a way that is fun and interesting to a young child. Songs such as ‘When Goldilocks Went To The House Of The Bears’ also introduce the concept of scale, size and order. Familiarity with counting songs provides the foundation for crucial numeracy skills and awareness. Nursery rhymes also introduce young learners to a wide range of vocabulary in a context that is easy to understand and remember.

Physical Development

The opportunity to ‘act out’ a favourite rhyme will be a welcome activity for active minds and fidgety bodies. Physical participation in action songs encourage children to develop their fine and gross motor control skills as well as balance, coordination and the skills needed to follow simple instructions.

1, 2, 3, 4,5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on my right.


What is the oldest English traditional nursery rhyme?

Ding Dong Bell is the oldest recorded nursery rhyme in the English language. In the earliest version of this rhyme, recorded in 1580 by John Lange, the organist of Winchester Cathedral, the unfortunate cat does not make it out of the well.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people/articles/zdsyf82 BBC Tiny Happy People 

SEND Updates

Reminder: the first PINS (Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools) parent/carers meeting at our school is on Monday 14th October at 2.15pm.  This is for any parent/carer who has a child with diagnosed or suspected neurodiversity. 

OPAL and Forest School Updates

We are very excited because our awesome OPAL Play is soon to be shared and celebrated with others as an example of how to be a Platinum OPAL school. Firstly, this week we have teachers from other schools visiting us to see our OPAL in action and to hear from Mrs Dixson and Mrs Fulton how they do it. This is the second time we have held an OPAL Showcase which not only allows us to share our good practice, but also brings a small amount of money into the OPAL budget.

Then, next week, we are being visited by an ITV film crew who wish to film our OPAL play in action as part of a story they are covering about OPAL and research into play being conducted at Exeter University. They will film our children at play and hopefully interview a child too. We already have a list of children for whom we do not have permission to film, however if you wish to request as a one off that your child is not filmed by this ITV crew, you must let us know. Please email the school on office@psjprimary.co.uk with the subject line 'Do not film my child' and then include the name and class of your child in the body of the email.

PSA Updates

Evo Sports at PSJ

This week at ASC was Space Week. We took a look at the planets, discussing their relative size and proximity to the Sun. We then blew balloons at various sizes to represent each planet and then the fun part came! Creating paper mache planets from the balloons and colouring them accordingly. What an amazing week we have had! 

Sport Clubs

Following on from the popularity of the hockey sessions we have run during the lunch time clubs, we are pleased to announce that we will now run hockey as an after school club on Thursdays after the October half term. This will replace the rugby club which currently runs on Thursdays.


With the Year 6s on camp, the Year 5s got an extra PE lesson this week so they tried their hand at rugby. Here are a couple of photos of what was an intense and energetic introduction to this sport for many of them.

The Tuesday football groups have all now received their player cards which are also on the PE notice board. Players just now need to work hard to achieve their silver cards. 

Class News

Updates on news from your class will feature on these new pages in the 'updates' section and 'school news'.

Community News and Events

Glow Run for the RUHX


Run, hop, wheel or walk 3km in the dark!


Brand new for 2024, the RUHX Glow Run is for all ages and abilities.


Come dressed in your favourite fancy dress or neon accessories, bring a torch, and help us light up the night for Royal United Hospitals Bath.


The Glow Run is a 2 lap course around the cycle track, with lights to guide you along the way. Whether you’re a regular Junior Parkrunner or looking for ways to get the family more active, the Glow Run is the perfect way to kick off the half term festivities.


Registration costs £7.50 for children and £10 for adults, with families encouraged to raise £50 sponsorship per child to help your local hospital do more for patients, families and staff. 

Sign up at https://ruhx.org.uk/events/glow-run/

Contact Us

Peasedown St John Primary School

Bath Road

Peasedown St John




Tel: 01761 432311

Email: office@psjprimary.co.uk
