WEB Chris Gillis' Learning Page

📧 Email Me! chgillis@psdschools.org

Teacher Message

Welcome to Webber Math! I look forward to working with you.

Here are a few bullets regarding my class:

1) Grading will occur weekly; Check ParentVue/StudentVue Weekly. Details are in the parent letter linked below.

a) Attendance will be taken daily

2) The majority of class information will be posted on "Google Classroom". I will email the class codes. Please join only your class!

3) Assignments will be on Big Ideas Math online, Khan Academy, and Google Classroom. Students need to check all three regularly.

4) Virtual classes will be on "Microsoft TEAMS". Once we have rosters, you will receive email notices for scheduled meetings. Students will meet with me M-Th. Fridays are Office Hours 12-3 for student, or parent online meetings.

5) I will cover expectations and details with students the first two weeks, including virtual behavior expectations.

Let's have a great year :)


WEB_Gillis_7th Math_Syllabus - (linked on course name on header)

WEB_Gillis_7th Math_Parent Letter - (linked on course name on header)

Virtual Classroom Expectations - (linked on course name on header)

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