Hello, Friends!
Welcome to Mr. Costello's HQ. Here, you'll find our current unit's daily slides that we use in each class as well as each course's syllabus. These are helpful tools in keeping up with classwork you've missed or need a refresher on. To navigate this site, simply follow the course links above ("English 7", "Honors English 7", etc.). Thank you for visiting and helping make your Mustang and our school the best they can be!

Suggested Texts
Books for you or your Mustang organized by genre and challenge. (Tip: hit the arrow in the top right to open this full-sized).

Talking Texts
A robust set of questions to discuss your or your Mustang's reading. Books for you or your Mustang organized by genre and challenge. (Tip: hit the arrow in the top right to open this full-sized).
Beautiful Words
Encouragement and inspiration from one of Mr. Costello's idols, Rita Pierson, a longtime educator who delivered a fabulous TED talk in 2013.