Preview: Taco Truck

Complete the Taco Truck Desmos activity assigned to you.


Complete the notes using the video and upload to classroom.

There is a blank copy on the front desk.

Waterpark Project

IMPORTANT: Finish the Desmos and Notes before starting this assignment.

You will be designing a waterpark! This assignment will be graded as a Criterion D, so make sure you are putting forth your best work. Slope, the Distance Formula, and Proportions will all be used in the design. If you need a refresher on any, there are Khan Academy videos linked below to help, as well as a digital copy of the assignment. A paper copy is available on the front desk.

Challenge: Save Louie!

Complete problems to help Louie escape from Jail. This is not required unless you finish your waterpark assignment early.

Challenge: BIM

Complete the 7.5 Challenge BIM with a 90% or higher.

Summative: GoFormative

Complete the Unit 8 Summative on GoFormative before Thursday 4/15. Make sure you complete it fully and submit it. If done before Thursday, finish the waterpark assignment, work on any missing work, or finish the challenges.