3.3 Angles in Polygons

Transition Week

Everyone has heard the news by now I'm sure. I want the last week of Phase 3 this Quarter to be focused on setting you up for success during Phase 1! We will be doing an investigation (Criterion B) on Monday/Tuesday and previewing the rest of the quarter on Wednesday/Thursday.


Remote: Complete the GoFormative assigned to you. This will be your first Criterion B grade so make sure it gets done and you do it well! You can find it on Google Classroom.

In Person: We will be completing an investigation about the Interior Angles of Polygons as a class.


Remote: Do the 3.3 Notes page that you got on Monday or Tuesday. The video is to the right. Email me with questions.

In Person: We will be working on an investigation dealing with the interior angles of Polygons linked below.

There are two links below. The left link is a review packet. Open it and do as many problems as you can.

Once you finish all the problems you are able to, click the right link for an answer key. If you are still not sure how to do a problem, there is a Khan Academy video for each section. Watch it and try again!

There is no need to turn anything in, but let me know if you have questions!