2.7 Dilations

Week Overview

I am currently flying back to Colorado so you will be working on Self Paced Work in preparation for Phase 3. I'm pumped to see everyone on Wednesday/Thursday and get closer to some sense of normalcy! Below is the schedule for the week.

Monday- Notes

Tuesday- Full class assignment (show up on Google Meets)

Wednesday/Thursday- Practice dealing with Dilations on Asynchronous Day and class procedure stuff on your Synchronous day.

Monday (notes)

Complete the notes and put them on page 11 of your notebook. Please let me know if you need help setting up your notebook.


Whole class activity. Show up in Google Meets!


On your Asynchronous day please complete the assigned Big Ideas Math problems. Make sure you have at least 9 out of 10 correct before submitting. You have unlimited answer checks so you will be able to see if you are correct before you move on.

Complete the Assigned Khan Academy problem sets (linked below). You can miss 1 question or less.