2.4 Rotations

Final week of the QuARTER

This is the final week to get work in! We will have a quiz on Wednesday and Thursday that will be on Translations (week 6), Reflections (week 7), and Rotations (this week).

Because of the quiz we will not be doing whole class work Monday. Instead you will be working on the notes Monday, a practice on Tuesday, and the quiz on Wednesday and Thursday.

As a note, I will be on a flight on Wednesday. Attendance will be taken based on time spent on the quiz. Thursday class will resume as Synchronous.

Day 1 (MondAy)

Complete the notes and put them on page 10 of your notebook. Please let me know if you need help setting up your notebook.

Notebooks will be a grade for 1st quarter! Make sure they are set up correctly. Don't wait until the last second.

Day 2 (Tuesday)

Complete the Khan Academy problem sets linked below. Watch the video to the left if you have any questions. I also linked an article you can read if you are confused.

Wednesday and Thursday

Complete the GoFormative Test on Google Classroom. It is Due Thursday Afternoon. Any incomplete questions will be counted incorrect.

If you finish your quiz early please finish any missing work and email me to let me know you turned it in.


Friday is a teacher workday. You have no challenge this week. If you are still missing work you should use Friday to finish it though.