April 27 2nd and 3rd

Don't forget the Art Choice Board below, if you'd rather try something else!

2nd Grade Art assignment:

Fort Collins Avery House picture

  • You can color the page realistically or creatively

  • OR draw it on a different paper by using OBSERVATION, finding shapes and lines

  • OR use tracing paper or a light table to trace the lines and shapes

  • OR use Shrinky Dink plastic and sharpie and colored pencils to create and SHRINK it! See my example and instructions

Take a picture of your artwork and send it to me at saconn@psdschools.org

2nd Early Fort Collins houses

3rd Grade Art assignment:

Watch the Slide Show and create a glue pendant

Gel glue, white glue, or hot glue

beads, paint, buttons, or any decorative item

Take a picture of your artwork and send it to me at saconn@psdschools.org

Glue casting

April 27 Art Choice Board

You can do the project above or choose something from the Art Choice Board
