Welcome to PSCMRCET-IEEE Student Branch. It is our privilege to be associated with IEEE, an International technological society advancing into the most technological world. Here at PSCMRCET it has been established in August 2015. Since then we have organized, participated and took part in various major events and associated activities. IEEE which doesn't need any introduction is growing exponentially by marking its remarkable people, technology and service to the society.
Principal, PSMR College of Engineering and Technology
Ch B V Durga
IEEE Student Branch Counselor
IEEE Member(#99384106), Associate Professor of CSE-AIML
IEEE Student Branch Chair
IEEE members gain exclusive access to the latest and best research, news, television programs, and educational resources needed to expand their expertise and stay current.
IEEE Spectrum Magazine – 12 monthly issues (print and/or online)
IEEE Xplore Digital Library – access to table-of-Contents and abstracts (over 2 million documents)
The Institute Newsletter – 12 monthly issues (4 print, 8 online)
IEEE eBooks Classics – IEEE Press offers members access to over 220 eBooks via IEEE Xplore
As an IEEE member, you are part of the world’s largest community of technology professionals—a network of communication and learning where innovators share what works, what does not, and what is needed now.
IEEE Student Branches – find the student branch on your campus
IEEE sections – network with others in the local member community
Technical chapters – engage with others through informative technical meetings
myIEEE – members-only personalized gateway into IEEE membership
Volunteering – opportunities that build leadership skills and networking opportunities
IEEE e-mail alias – with virus protection and spam filtering
IEEE Member Discounts
Take advantage of member pricing and savings opportunities with these programs (where available) that have been negotiated exclusively for IEEE members.
IEEE members can achieve more of what matters in your life and career through IEEE student programs such as competitions, scholarships, awards, continuing education courses and certifications, conferences, and more.
Continuing Education Providers Program – up to a 10% discount on online degree programs
IEEE Job Site – career opportunities for students and professionals
Today’s Engineer – monthly e-zine devoted to the issues affecting IEEE member’s careers