Mock Caldecott Contenders


How the illustrator creates the pictures

  • The medium of the illustrations (paint, pen and ink, collage, etc.) should help the reader understand the mood of the story

  • The art should be high quality

  • The illustrations should be unique or exceptional

Have You Ever Seen a Flower? Video.webm

Have You Ever Seen a Flower?

by Shawn Harris

Mel Fell final.mp4

Mel Fell

by Corey Tabor

Bonus Material

Illustrator Read Aloud

Watch Corey Tabor, the author and illustrator of Mel Fell, read his book aloud.

Mel Fell Animation

Check out this fun animated preview for Mel Fell.

Kingfisher Dive

Mel is a Kingfisher, a type of bird that really does dive for it's dinner! This video shows a real live kingfisher diving after a fish,

Kingfisher, Fish-eye View

And this is how a kingfisher dive looks from the fish's point of view!

In this great interview with Corey Tabor, he talks about how he got the idea for the book and shows us his process for creating the art. Filled with great behind-the-scenes images of the illustrations!

Author / Illustrator Read Aloud & Activity

Watch Shawn Harris read Have You Ever Seen A Flower? and demonstrate how to be a flower and how he made his illustrations. Then, try being your making your own flower using his technique.

Comparing Illustrators' Style

In their books, James Yang, Micha Archer, and Shawn Harris encourage us to explore the natural world around us. What do you notice about they styles of their illustrations?

Roots in Wonder Walkers by Micha Archer

Roots in Have You Ever Seen a Flower?

A journey in A Boy Named Isamu by James Yang

A journey in Have You Ever Seen a Flower?

Veins in Wonder Walkers by Micha Archer

Veins in Have You Ever Seen a Flower?