PSAS Fulton Heights STEM

Mr. Drew Hirshon


WHAT'S been going on in STEM?

Untitled: Apr 1, 2020 12:19 PM.webm

Extraordinaires Challenge #2

This challenge is for all grade levels K-7

Untitled: Apr 2, 2020 6:29 AM.webm

Making History Project

This challenge is for grades 4th through 7th only

Here is the whole presentation:

Making History Project
Untitled: Mar 15, 2020 9:33 PM.webm

COVID-19 Remote Classroom for STEM

As we all know due to the virus we are doing our best to keep ourselves quarantined to limit the spread of the illness. I want to ensure that students have access to their projects, especially in grades 4th-7th.

If you didn't know already we have been working towards developing video games for this years Gamercon event that we host at PSAS Fulton Heights. This project has been done in teams of two and will require team work to accomplish such a task. In class we already share a planning document from Google Classroom that is shared between teammates and can be accessed in real time with each other. During the quarantined time I have requested to have the limited access of Google Hangouts lifted so that they can see each other and communicate while working on their project. They will also be able to screen share which means if they are working on their video game on Scratch they can screen share to give each other feedback and help with the algorithm design.

Here are the check points:

    • Students should have at least 9 questions based on the games they have barnstormed and 9 codes that answer their questions in the planning document.
    • Students should have 3 different video game ideas sketched out with a background, characters, psudo-code listed, and annotations to explain how the game will be played.
    • Students should select the their final design and give reasons why they selected this game over the others.
    • Students should work on creating the video game using Scratch.


2020 STEM Fair

We just finished our school wide STEM Fair. The focus of this years STEM Fair ideas surrounded the concept of Biomimicry, which is innovation inspired by nature. The students researched a problem and brainstormed a possible solution. We had some wonderful projects that will hopefully help us one day.

Eco- shoe idea inspired by the lotus effect

Trash can that keeps humans and animals safe by mimicking animal sounds to scare animals away

New way to use wind power inspired by fibonacci spiral

Bee Drone to help our declining bee population pollinate

Solution inspired by ants and cockroaches to help service people lift heavier weight without hurting themself.


2nd and 3rd grade are creating stories that will include music to generate feeling associated to the moment in the story. They will do this by programming the sounds along with creating a circuit to make the sound play with an instrument they design. Here the students are engaging in an inquiry activity to find out what they need to know to progress in this project.

Chace Hurley - Playground Design Presentation

Nature Center Playground Design

Earlier this year we completed the playground design for the Nature Center. To the left you will see one of the presentations that highlights one of the students ideas and proposal. We are also finishing our current short film project that you can see below.

What Makes Pueblo Great?

We are finishing our, "What Makes Pueblo Great!" Project. In this project students researched a topic they felt made Pueblo, their community great. They used Google draw to create a mind map during research and then created a storyboard before creating a short film on iMovie that they will then publish to YouTube and shared with the audience that best fits their topic. I hope you enjoy some of the videos.

Please follow me on Twitter to see our daily activities and the progress of our project. My Twitter handle is @drewhirshon


Pictures of our Disaster House project from 2018