Language and Literacy

ABC Activities

  • Write the letters on index cards or print them out
  • Sing the ABC song
  • Encourage your child to say the name of each letter
  • Encourage your child to find the letters in his/her name
  • Encourage your child to say the sounds of the letters
  • While riding in the car or walking in the neighborhood with your child, point out letters and words on signs. For example, you might say, “I see the big red K on the K-Mart sign. That’s just like the letter K in your name, Kayleigh.”
  • Point out letters on food containers at the grocery store and at home. For example, you might say, “I want to buy the cereal with the letter T on the front for Trix” or “Look, Trix and Kix both have the letter x at the end.”

Practicar las letras y los sonidos todos los dias. Escribir las letras en tarjetas. Cantar el ABC.

Cuando caminen por el vecindario traten de encontrar letras en los letreros y supermercados.

Reading Activities

Encouraging Story Talk

Try doing the following when reading with your child:

• Talk about things you see in the book illustrations.

• Make connections between the story and your child’s life. (“You’ve been to the zoo.”)

• Talk about the characters’ feelings. (“Why do you think Bear is mad?”)

• Ask children who or what they might see on the next page.

• Ask children what they think might happen next.

Trate de hablar con su hijo acerca de lo que lee. Miren las ilustraciones y hablen de estas. Hagan coneccion de lo que leen.

Sites to learn the letters and read books: