********PLEASE READ*********


If you have found your way to this website, that means that you are a fully remote Elementary student.  So many of you have done such a great job this year keeping up with your remote assignments.  For the remainder of the school year your remote assignments will be a bit different. 

The first choice you have is to do a lesson from the Choice Board of your Special. Each Special has a Choice Board with different activities that will be updated monthly.  You are  required to turn in any lesson you choose to do  into your Specialist teacher once you have completed a lesson or activity. 

Soif you dont want to do any of the lessons from the Choice Boards then the second option  you have is to choose one of the  past lessons from your Specials.  You can access past lessons by clicking on the different weeks  which are listed at the top of the Specialists Page. Feel free to check out the lessons from a different grade level and give their lessons a try! You are  required to turn in any lesson you choose to do  into your Specialist teacher once you have completed a lesson or activity. 

 Have fun-exlpore the different offerings! But remember you must send in whatever lesson or activity  you do for each of your  Specials to your  teachers by email.

 EVERYONE: We know that this is a lot to figure out!  Thank you for being patient with us!  Don't hesitate to contact your Specialists by email if you have questions or concerns. 

 We're happy to help!  

Specialists Team

 Click to  open our read alouds  




        Get your hands on a good book!



Interland - Practice being safe online.

Typing  -   Get faster at typing.

Scratch - create your own story using coding.