Owner Benefit Package

What is the Owner Benefit Package provided by Steady?

The Owner Benefit Package (OBP) is an excellent opt-out program for PMI Franchisees to stand apart in the market and offer a competitive advantage to investors and owners. The pricing of the package will be a monthly charge to the owner at a price that you set with Steady. The package adds significant value, and will be a powerful revenue stream for your business. PMI has partnered with Steady to kickstart your OBP. The services offered are:

Enrollment in RentAdvance

2 Months Rent Protection

Quarterly Market Report

Real-time Legislative Updates

Find support through Krsto Reskusic at krsto@steadyrent.com or John Higgins at john@steadyrent.com. Please schedule a call with Krsto here: https://meetings.hubspot.com/krsto to get started.

Below are details about the program.

OBP Overview - PMI Franchise Owners.pdf
Rent Advance Overview - PMI Franchise Owners.pdf
PM Talking Points for Prospective Owners - PMI.pdf
OBP FAQ - PMI Franchise Owners.pdf