Group on Applied Mathematical Modeling, Statistics, and 

Optimization (MATHMODE)

MathMode is recognized 

as a Research Group of 

Excellence (A) by the Basque Government


David Pardo


Ph.: +34 94 601 5947

David Pardo is a Research Professor at Ikerbasque, the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM). He has published over 160 research articles and he has given over 260 presentations. In 2011, he was awarded as the best Spanish young researcher in Applied Mathematics by the Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SEMA). He leads a European Doctoral Network on self-explainable neural networks for solving partial differential equations, and several national research projects, as well as research contracts with national and international companies. He is now the PI of the research group on Applied Mathematical Modeling, Statistics, and Optimization (MATHMODE) at UPV/EHU and of the sister research group at BCAM on Mathematical Design, Modeling, and Simulations (MATHDES)

His research interests include physics-informed neural networks, computational electromagnetics, adaptive finite-element and discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods, multigrid solvers, deep learning algorithms,  and multiphysics and inverse problems.

Links: (a) Ikerbasque Profile, (b) BCAM Profile.

Inmaculada Arostegui

 +34 946015346

Inmaculada Arostegui received the B.S. degree in Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, the Master of Health Science in Biostatistics from the Johns Hopkins University at Baltimore, Maryland, and the Ph.D. in Science, Mathematics specialty, from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. 

She is a Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics and Operational Research at the School of Science and Technology since 1996 and the team leader of the “Biostatistics Research Group” since 2010 at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Her main research interest is focused on statistical methodology in biomedical and experimental research. Specific topics of interest are the development and validation of prediction models, modelling patient-reported outcomes (such as health status, health-related quality of life, functional dependence, satisfaction, ...), longitudinal data analysis and risk stratification. She works in Clinical Epidemiology in collaboration with the Clinical Research Unit of the Galdakao Hospital and also in Toxicology, Genetics, and Ecology in collaboration with several research groups at the School of Science and Technology. She has published over 50 scientific articles in experimental and medical research fields.

Carlos Gorria


Phone: +34 94 601 5343

Carlos Gorria is a member of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He obtained the Degree in Mathematics at the UPV/EHU in 1995 and he worked in Numerical Analysis. Later on, he continued the training for his doctoral thesis in collaboration with the UPV/EHU and the Mathematical Modeling Department of the Technical University of Denmark. He obtained his Ph.D in 2003. 

Since 1996 up to the present he holds a position as lecturer in the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the UPV/EHU. He has been teaching the following subjects: Introduction to Numerical Calculus, Numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations and Mathematical modelling in the third course of the degree in Mathematics and some subjects of general Mathematics and Differential Equations in the first courses of the degree in Chemical Engineering. Since 2016, he is the Director of the Master's program on Mathematical Modeling, Statistics, and Computing, which counts with the participation of the University of the Basque Country, University of Zaragoza, University of Oviedo, University of La Laguna, University of La Rioja, and Public University of Navarra.

Urtzi Ayesta



Urtzi Ayesta is a CNRS Director of Research working at IRIT (with a secondary appointment at LAAS). He also holds an adjunct lecturer position (part-time appointment funded as an Ikerbasque Professor) in the Computer Science Faculty at the University of the Basque Country.  His research interests include stochastic processes, optimization, control theory and their applications to communication systems and networking. 

Ander Murua


Phone: +34 94 301 8063

Ander Murua  obtained the Degree in Mathematics at the University of the  Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 1987. He received his PhD degree from the University of Valladolid under the supervision of Prof. Sanz-Serna in 1995. Since the beginning of his career, he has been  lecturing in the School of Computer Sciences in San Sebastian.  He is full professor at the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of UPV/EHU since 2017. 

He has a long experience of research in applied and computational mathemathics,  with special focus on algebraic techniques for differential equations and geometric numerical integration.  He has published over 42 research articles in highly rated scientific journals.  He has been actively collaboration with several well established researchers, in particular in the field of geometric numerical integration (such as E. Hairer, Ph. Chartier, F. Casas, S. Blanes, M.P. Calvo, in addition to his former PhD supervisor) and also in dynamical astronomy (such as Jacques Laskar from the Observatoir de Paris and CNRS).

Eli Alberdi


Phone: +34 94 601 8254 

Elisabete Alberdi studied her degree in Mathematics in the period (1993-1998). She did the first three academic years of the degree in the University of the Basque Country (Leioa) and she finished her studies in the University Complutense (Madrid). She did her doctoral thesis in the Superior School of Engineering of Bilbao, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) under the supervision of Juan José Anza Aguirrezabala. The doctoral program she followed was “Mechanical Engineering of mechanical and structural systems” and the thesis was entitled “Numerical methods for stiff differential equations. Application to the discretization of the Finite Element Method”. 

She has worked in Lea Artibai Vocational Training School in the period 1998-2011, where she has taught in Secondary School and University Levels. Lea Artibai is a cooperative of Mondragon Cooperatives Group and it belongs to the Basque Science Net. 

Since 2011 up to the present she is Assistant Professor in the Civil Engineering School, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), where she teaches Computing in the first course of the degree of Mines and Energy Engineering and in the first course of the Civil Engineering degree.

Javier del Ser


Phone: +34 664 113 013 

He defended his doctoral thesis (Cum Laude) in Automation and Industrial Electronics from the University of Navarra in 2006, and a second doctoral thesis in Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Alcalá de Henares in 2013, through which he received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from said University. He is currently the Knowledge Leader in Analysis and Optimization at TECNALIA, Associate Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Visiting Researcher (by invitation) of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM). His research activity focuses on information theory and coding, data analysis, machine learning, graph theory, heuristics and, in general, descriptive, predictive and predictive analytics for solving problems related to intelligent distribution networks (Smart Grids), telecommunications, operational research, transport and mobility, among many others. In these fields, he has published to date more than 250 scientific-technical publications, edited 6 books, directed 30 TFG / TFM, supervised 8 doctoral theses, participated in 7 patents and directed several research projects. He has been the recipient, on two occasions, of the Torres Quevedo program of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (2007 and 2009). He is a senior member of the IEEE, and has been awarded the "Talent of Bizkaia" award in recognition of his experience and scientific curriculum. He combines his passion for data science with his love of sports and reading.

Joseba Makazaga


Phone: +34 943 01 5031

Joseba Makazaga studied the Bsc Degree in Informatics in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in the period 1984-89. Later he worked in the private industry as programmer-analyst (1989-92) and returned to the university as lecturer in the Computer Engineering Faculty of UPV/EHU. There he continued the training for his doctoral thesis and under the direction of A. Murua he defended his PhD in Donostia in 2007. 

 Since then, he has been collaborating with several well established researchers in the field of Geometric Numerical Integration (such as E. Hairer, Ph. Chartier, F. Casas, S. Blanes, M.P. Calvo, in addition to his former PhD supervisor) and also in dynamical astronomy (such as Jacques Laskar from the Observatoir de Paris and CNRS).

He is member of the department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and from 1992 to the present. He has been teaching several subjects in the Bsc. in Informatics Engineering: Graph Theory, Computer Graphics, Numerical Computation, Scientific Computing.  During 2015-2018, Joseba Makazaga was appointed as Director of the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Josu Doncel


Phone: +34 946 01 7895

Josu Doncel is an assistant professor in the Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research department of the University of the Basque Country. He obtained from the same university an Industrial Engineering degree in 2007, the B.Sc. in Mathematics in 2010 and, in 2011, the MS degree in Applied Maths and Statistics. He received in 2015 the PhD degree from Université de Toulouse (France). He has held research positions at LAAS-CNRS (France), INRIA Grenoble (France) and BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (Spain) and teaching positions at the following French universities: ENSIMAG, INSA-Toulouse and IUT-Blagnac. He has also held a visiting professor position at INRIA Paris (France). 

His research interests include the modelling, optimization and performance evaluation of distributed large stochastic systems such as telecommunication networks.

Irantzu Barrio

Phone: +34 946 01 2504

Irantzu Barrio is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics and Operations Research at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. She obtained from the same university the B.S. degree in Mathematics in 2006 and M.S in Mathematical Modelling, Statistics, and Computation in 2010. In 2015 she received her Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country. Her main research interests are focused on the development of statistical methodology oriented to the resolution of complexities derived from scientific research, mainly in biomedical or experimental areas. Specific topics of interest are the development and validation of prediction models.

Iker Malaina

Iker Malaina is an assistant professor in the Mathematics department of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He is specialized in solving biomedical problems by means of mathematics, and his formation is twofold, since he first obtained the B.S. degree in Mathematics in 2012 and next, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees both in Biomedical Research, in 2013 and 2017 respectively. For this last degree, he received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

His research is focused on the use of artificial intelligence for the development of vaccines, the analysis of cell migration patterns, or the study of biomedical time series. Besides, he collaborates with Cruces University Hospital in the area of obstetrics and gynecology, and is a member of the research group “Innovation in assisted reproduction” of BioCruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute.

Josu Najera-Zuloaga

Josu Najera Zuloaga is an assistant professor in the Mathematics department of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).  He obtained from the same university a B.S. degree in Mathematics in 2013 and M.S. in Mathematical Modelling, Statistics, and Computation in 2014. 

In January 2015, he started a position as a Ph.D. student at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM). In December 2017, he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of the Basque Country. His main research interest is focused on the development of hierarchical regressions, such as longitudinal or multidimensional models, with special application to patient-reported outcomes in the biomedical field.

Julen Alvarez-Aramberri


Phone: +34 946014158 

Julen Alvarez-Aramberri is an assistant professor at the Bilbao School of Engineering at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

He received a B.S. in Physics, a M.S. in Quantitative Finance, and a M.S. in Mathematical Modelization and Computation from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He also received the Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (awarded with the Extraordinary Ph.D. Prize of the UPV/EHU) in co-tutelage between the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the University of Pau in France (INRIA). After two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia University in the City of New York (USA), he held the Maria Zambrano Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) for two years.

His main research interests lie in the area of Computational and Applied Mathematics. In particular, in implementing numerical schemes, methods, and tools to model, simulate, and interpret real-world problems efficiently.


Mikel Antoñana


Phone:+34 637 114 005 

Mikel Antoñana completed his degree in Computer Engineer at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 1992. He worked in the private industry until 2009 and then, returned to the University. In 2012 he studied a master degree of Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems at UPV/EHU.  

He received his PhD degree from the University of the Basque Country under the supervision of Joseba Makazaga and Ander Murua in 2017.  Since then, he has been collaborating with his former Ph.D supervisors in his reserach on the efficient numerical integration methods for the Gravitational N-Body Problem. He is currently a part time assistant professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics of the University of the Basque Country.

Manuela Bastidas


Manuela Bastidas has a B.S. degree in Mathematical Engineering from EAFIT University in Medellin, Colombia. Subsequently, she pursued a M.S. in Mathematics at the National University of Colombia in Medellín, Colombia. There, an Honorable Mention was conferred upon her Master’s

Thesis. In 2017, Manuela started a Ph.D. project in Mathematics at Hasselt University in Hasselt, Belgium funded by the Research

Foundation - Flanders (FWO). During her studies, she was awarded the Procter and Gamble Student Poster Award at Interpore 2018, the Oberwolfach Leibniz Graduate Students Award and the SIAM Student Travel Award. In 2021 and after finishing her doctoral studies, Manuela worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (Inria) in Paris, France. 

Currently, she is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational and Applied Mathematics at the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her research interests are related to enhancing and developing new numerical methods based on artificial intelligence techniques. 

Javier Omella


Phone: +34 946 567 842 

I am a member of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). My current research focuses on solving geophysical inverse problems by using the Finite Element Method and advanced regression methods based on Neural Networks.

Since I finished mechanical engineering on Feb 2009, I worked in the Group of Acoustics at the University of Zaragoza until 2013 as a research support fellow in engineering projects. My main task there was predicting indoor and outdoor sound in the field of building acoustics and environmental noise, as well as measuring sound. During this period, I studied a master in Applied Mechanics that I finished on Sep 2011 after which I enrolled into a Ph.D. supervised by Prof. Celorrio. My dissertation, entitled "Inverse problems in active thermography for cracks characterization", defended on Sep 2017 and, was based on a Discontinuous Galerkin method. From Sep 2017 to Oct 2019, I  worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational and Applied Mathematics at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) under the supervision of Prof. Pardo. My research focused on the development of new efficient numerical methods for High-Performance Computing (HPC) to predict the propagation of elasto-acoustic waves through heterogeneous materials.


Oscar Rodríguez


Oscar Rodríguez obtained a B.S. degree in Mathematics from the National University of Colombia in 2016. In 2017, he began the Master's in Applied Mathematics and obtained a degree in 2019 with a thesis entitled "About numerical solution of inverse problems", focusing on the application of Bayesian statistics in numerical methods. Since September 2019, he has joined the BCAM as a member of the "Simulation of Wave Propagation" group, conducting doctoral studies in Mathematics and Statistics doctoral program of the UPV / EHU under the supervision of Prof. David Pardo.

Felipe Caro


Felipe Vinicio Caro Gutiérrez is a PhD student at the Basque Center of Applied Mathematics (BCAM) since September 2019. He works at the group Simulation of Wave Propagation under the supervision of David Pardo and Elisabete Alberdi. He completed his degree in Mathematics at the University of Guadalajara in 2016. He earned his degree under the supervision of Emilia Fregoso Becerra with the work entitled "Metodologías de inversión conjunta 2D de datos geofísicos basadas en la técnica de gradientes cruzados". Then, he studied a M.S. in Physical Oceanography (2016-2018) at the Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education. He earned his M.S. degree under the supervision of Oscar Uriel Velasco Fuentes with the work entitled "The effect of torsion on the structure of a single helical vortex".

Carlos Uriarte


Phone: +34 688 610 487

Carlos received a B.S. degree in Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea - UPV/EHU) in 2018 with mentions in both Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science. One year later, he obtained a M.S. degree in Computational Engineering and Intelligent Systems at the same university. He became an Intern within the Simulation of Wave Propagation research group at BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics while finishing his Master’s studies. Subsequently, he continued at BCAM as a Research Technician. He recently obtained a grant to fund his PhD studies in the Mathematics and Statistics doctoral program of the UPV/EHU under the supervision of Prof. David Pardo

Amaia Iparragirre


Amaia Iparragirre obtained a B.S. degree in Mathematics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2016, and a M.S. in Mathematical Research and Modelling, Statistics and Computing in 2017 at the same university. From November 2017 to December 2018, she worked as a non-doctoral researcher in the Department of Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Operations Research of the UPV/EHU, and in October 2018 she enrolled in the Mathematics and Statistics doctoral program. In June 2019, she was awarded a Ph.D. Scholarship from UPV/EHU, and since then, she has been working on her doctoral thesis on the development of predictive models for complex sampling design survey data, under the supervision of Irantzu Barrio and Inmaculada Arostegui.


Mikel Lezaun

Full Professor, UPV/EHU

Member of MATHMODE (2015-2021)

Jon Ander Rivera

Postdoctoral Fellow, Tecnalia

(Ph.D. Student 2019-2022)

Tomás Teijeiro

Ramon y Cajal Fellow, BCAM

(Postdoctoral Fellow 2022)

Judit Muñoz-Matute

Marie Curie Fellow, Oden Institute and BCAM / (Ph.D. student 2015-2019 + Postdoc 2019-2022)

Jamie M. Taylor

Associate Professor, CUNEF 

(Postdoc 2020-2022)

Vincent Darrigrand

ESI Group, France

 (Ph.D. student 2014-2017 + Postdoc 2017-2019)

Theophile Chaumont-Frelet 

Junior Inria Professor, France

(Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2018)

Shaaban Ali Bakr 

Professor, Egypt

(Postdoctoral Fellow, Fall 2012; 2015-2016)

Ana Fdez-Navamuel

Postdoctoral Fellow, BCAM and Tecnalia

(Ph.D. student 2019-2022)

Ali Hashemian

Postdoctoral Fellow, BCAM

(Postdoc 2019-2022)

Paulina Sepúlveda 

Associate Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile

(Postdoc 2018-2019)

Ángel Rodríguez-Rozas 

Senior Finance Manager, Banco Santander

(Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015-2018)

Daniel Garcia Lozano 

Senior Researcher, Spain

(Ph. D., 2014-2018; Postdoctoral Fellow, 2018-2019)

Magdalena Strugaru

Postdoctoral Fellow, BCAM

(Postdoc 2017-2019; 2020-2024)

Adrian Galdrán Cabello 

Marie Curie Fellow, Pompeu Fabra Univ.

(Ph.D., 2014-2016)

Mostafa Shahriari 

Senior Researcher, SCCH, Austria

(Ph.D. student + Postdoc 2018-2020)

Aralar Erdozain (Ph.D., 2013-2016).

Jon Quintana (Ph.D., 2010-2014).


Prof. Victor M. Calo, Curtin University, Australia. Topic: Time domain methods and Isogeometric Analysis (IGA).

Prof. Jay Gopalakrishnan, Portland University, USA. Topic: Numerical analysis.

Prof. Carlos Torres-Verdín, The University of Texas at Austin, USA. Topic: Geophysical applications.

Prof. Maciej Paszynski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland. Topic: Solvers of linear equations.

Prof. Luis E. García-Castillo, Univ. Carlos III of Madrid, Spain. Topic: hp-adaptivity.

Prof. Ignacio Muga, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. Topic: Semi-analytical 1.5D solutions.

Prof. Serge Prudhomme, Univ. Polythecnique Montreal, Canada. Topic: goal-oriented adaptivity.

Prof. Elena Akhmastskaya, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain. Topic: Monte Carlo methods.

Dr. Carlos Santos Molina, CTR Repsol, Madrid, Spain. Topic: Effective velocities of porous rocks.

Other collaborators: Adrián Galdrán (Portugal), Myung Jin Nam (South Korea), Vladimir Puzyrev (Australia), Pawel Matuszyk (USA),  Leszek F. Demkowicz (USA), Helene Barucq (France), Julien Diaz (France), Carlos Jerez (Chile), Ignacio Gómez Revuelto (Spain), Josep de la Puenta (Spain), Pedro Diez (Spain), Juan Galvis (Colombia), Otilio Rojas (Venezuela), Juan Carlos Alfonso (Australia), Ricardo Durán (Argentina), Kris Van der Zee (UK), Pilar Queralt (Spain), Javier del Ser (Spain).