
This image takes advantage of some of the special effects you can find in iColorama.

I made this pattern using the Vector tool in SketchClub. Probably any similar pattern that you make yourself or find online would work in the next step.

In iColorama, I used Form/Ray2/Circle to produce this dot pattern. I used Intensity 1x or 2x, and Divisions 10.

I made this portrait by painting over one of my acrylic paintings in Paintstorm Studio, and further editing it in SketchClub, then editing it in iColorama, including blending a texture I made previously in SketchClub (which I made by basically scribbling all over with the Sketchy tool) onto the image. However, you can probably use any portrait and don't worry about the texture.

In iColorama, I blended the dot pattern onto the portrait in Phoenix blending mode. I experimented with all the sliders, including the sliders under Set. I used a brush mask to protect the face, neck, and torso, although not the eyes, nostrils or the line of the mouth.

I used Form/Sort preset 1 with the default slider settings. I saved the image to my camera roll but did not apply.

Now, working with the “un-Sorted” image, I used Form/Sort preset 3 with the default slider settings and applied.

Now, working from the results of Sort preset 3 above, I used Form/Sort preset 2 with the default slider settings, and used a brush mask to protect some areas of the face and background.

Now I used Effect/Blend to blend the previously saved Preset 1 image onto the work, using an inverted brush mask to apply it to only some areas of the face and background.

I used Brush/Paint with the default brush to paint a white border. I used Effect/Denoise presets 1 and 4 to get rid of some aliasing (jagginess in the lines and edges) that had been introduced in the previous steps. Then I used Effect/Sharpen and Effect/Raise at very low opacities to crisp up the image.