
I used the Art Set app for a hand-drawn feel, and the Metabrush app adds interesting texture.

I started with this photo from the Sktchy app. Sktchy photos are small, so I upsized it in BigPhoto twice. The image is noisy and has compression artifacts. We will fix that by completely writing over the image with new pixels.

I used the IC Painter app to completely rewrite the image. IC Painter is an easy to use auto-painting app.

In iColorama, I used Form/Warp to widen the face to fill the canvas.

I opened the image in the Art Set app and painted over her.

I opened the image in iColorma, and using Effect/Blend, I blended the warped woman onto the IC Painter woman. I tried several blending modes and slider settings, including the Lightness and Gray sliders under Set.

Now I opened the image in the Metabrush app. In Brushes/Paint mode, I painted with a few different brushes to get this result.