
I wanted to try building an image from freehand strokes. I created my strokes by tracing over a photo. Then I blended my result with a simplified color wash that I generated from the same starting photo. Creating the strokes was not easy in iColorama, but I like the result I was able to get.

I started with this photo from Pixabay, a source of copyright-free images.

In iColorama, I used one of the Style/Flat presets to simplify and flatten the image.

In Adjust/Exposure, I moved the brightness slider all the way to the right, to create a blank white canvas the same size as the image. I did not apply. I used a brush mask and a hard round brush to paint these lines. I put opacity at about 70% while I was painting, to guide me. When I was done painting, I moved the opacity back to 100% and saved.

I applied Style/Flow and then Style/Water to smooth and soften the image.

Going back to the flat version of the image, I applied Style/Simplify 10 to create a wash of color that I will use to blend with.

In Effect/Blend, I blended the line painting on top of the simplify image. I tried several blend modes and slider settings, including the sliders under Set.

I was working in iColorama on iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil. I had couple of issues making this image. One is that it's difficult to make really fine lines. Another is if you make the brush really small, you get a line of dots rather than a solid line when you paint. Another is if you want to make long lines you can't do this while zoomed in, so I had to break the lines when I zoomed to adjacent areas to try to continue the lines. Nevertheless, I like the output I was able to get.