
An easy way to make a painting is to open a photo in SketchClub, stretch it out to size, reduce layer opacity to 50%, open a new layer, and paint over the photo. For a portrait, I like to paint the hair on the topmost layer so I can do things like smudge or repaint the face without worrying about smudging or coloring the hair. Then use iColorama and Metabrush for extra effects.

I started with this photo from the Sktchy app.

I opened the photo in SketchClub and reduced the layer opacity to 50%. On a new layer above the photo layer, I used the Sketchy tool to paint the hair. You can select the Sketchy tool from the tools menu.

On another new layer, I used the Brush tool to paint the eyeballs. You can select Brush from the tools menu, then choose a brush using the menu under the icon that looks like three sliders. The tools menu can be reached by touching the icon just to the left of the three sliders icon. I dragged the eyeballs layer underneath the hair layer, since the hair is in front of the eyes.

I used the Brush tool to paint an orange/yellow color over her skin, then I reduced the opacity of the layer. I dragged this layer underneath the eye layer.

On another new layer, I used the Brush tool to paint some darker color onto the shadow areas of her face and neck, and some pink into her cheeks. I also painted the right eyebrow. I dragged this layer to just under the hair layer.

On another new layer, I used the Brush tool to paint the whites of her eyes, her eyelashes, shadows around the eyes and eyebrow, the nose and mouth. I dragged this layer beneath the eyeballs layer.

On another new layer, I painted fine vertical lines on her lips, as well as a highlight on her lower lip and a darker shadow between her lips, with the Brush tool. I dragged this layer directly under the eyeballs layer.

On another new layer, I used the Fill tool to fill a layer with a green background color. I dragged this layer to just above the photo layer. I used the eraser tool to erase the green color from her face area. I used the eraser tool at partial opacity to erase some of the green color from her neck and chest area.

Then I turned off visibility of the photo layer. I saved to my camera roll.

I opened the image in iColorama and used Form/Crop to crop the image.

I added a signature using Form/Signature, and I used Effect/Raise to emphasize the strokes. I darkened the gray of her nose shadow using Adjust/Exposure and an inverted brush mask.

I used Form/Warp to narrow the gap in her hair on her forehead.

I opened the image in MetaBrush and used a variety of brushes, mostly Brush/Artist3 and Brush/Noise.

In iColorama, I used Effect/Blend to blend the MetaBrush image on top of the prior image, using an inverted brush mask to paint in the smoother colors on her face and neck at full opacity, and some of the smoothness in her hair at lower opacity.

For a slightly different version, I used Form/Warp, Form/Deforms preset 5, and the Elasticam app on the pre-MetaBrush version to enlarge her eyes and reshape her mouth and face.