Mar Eroles

Current position

PhD student, LAI Lab, U1067 Inserm & Aix-Marseille Université


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MSc. Neuroscience - University of Barcelona (2018)

Master Thesis: Evaluation of the role of kinase JNK1 in the development of metabolic disorders and cognitive loss

Master in Business Management of Biomedical Companies - Biotechnology Business Institute and University of Barcelona (2016)

BSc. Biotechnology - University of Girona, Spain. (2015)

Bachelor Thesis: HPLC/MS-MS methodology development for neurotoxins detection in mouse blood

PhD project – Fast phenotyping of cell mechanics

Development of instrumentation, sample preparation, data acquisition and analysis tools for robust and fast AFM mechanical mapping of cells and tissues. To minimise variability and control the spreading conditions, cells will be cultured on micro-patterned substrates mimicking the physiological environment. High-speed AFM instrumentation will be adapted to increase the throughput of mechanical mapping towards clinical use. Similar strategies will be applied to map the mechanics of tissues combined with common histological inspection. The mechanics of cells grown on micro-patterns of varying sizes will be measured by AFM and compared with the mechanics of suspended cells using microfluidics, a high throughput method. This comparison will establish the basis for quantitative, high-throughout mechanical phenotyping for disease diagnosis. Bio-specimens will include malignant and benign tumour cell lines and normal and pathological tissues and extracellular matrix. The secondement at instrumentation company will allow the use of a similar technique, Nanoindenter, on the same samples. The secondment at Biomeca, a company dedicated to providing cell mechanical tests to external clients, will reveal the constraints and needs outside the academic world. The ESR will be also involved in scientific communication, training, and dissemination.